Most often, the solution to this problem dealing with psychotherapists and psychologists. After all, the main cause of sexual dysfunction of girls are considered to be emotional violation.
That is that female impotence and its manifestations
Before we talk about the main causes of this pathology is to find out the manifestations of frigidity. Women's impotence by some experts interpreted as a cold. It can be observed in the sexual behavior. So, the main symptoms of the problem are the following manifestations:

- The lack of excitement during sexual act;
- Decreased libido;
- The absence of any pleasure from sexual intercourse;
- Lack of orgasm;
- Feelings of pain during sex;
- The lack of sexual needs.
To impotence in women can be attributed, and a rapid onset of orgasm. But such events happen only rarely. Some women confuse an orgasm with impotence. It is totally two different disorders. In the first case, the girl is experiencing sexual intimacy, excitement. From sexual intercourse girl gets some pleasure. But a clear orgasm is happening. For impotence or frigidity, the same characteristic is the lack of requirements on the intimacy, no excitement.
Very common symptoms of frigidity are the manifestations of vaginismus. Some experts consider it the cause of the vaginismus and female impotence the terms synonymous. What is vaginismus? This manifests the disease in a convulsive involuntary reduction of vaginal muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Data reduction for women lead to severe headache during sex. Sometimes a sexual relationship is in this case completely impossible. Almost always when vaginismus observed infertility in couples due to severe cramps.
It is worth noting that, in the vaginismus, as a rule, a woman experiences sexual attraction and desire. But here to experience some fun not able to. It swipes at the self-esteem of not only the women themselves, but also men. Beginning to other problems in the relationship. Therefore, it is very important, a woman can not hide the problem, but in time to go to the doctors. With the pain feelings can easily master, with just a little effort.
Causes of female impotence
Yet recently many experts have argued that guilt frigidity is the woman herself. Unlike men, sexy girls can affect psychological disorders, external stop, social status. Because physiologically representative of the beautiful gender is always ready for sex. But it is not so. Scientists have shown that the more often it is psychological causes are the main in this issue in women. Also, do not forget, and about some of the physiological deviations, which lead to impotence and full of feminine frigidity.
Psychological causes
For women a big role in mental relaxation during sexual contact. Only in this case, the girl is able to experience the full pleasure of intimacy, an orgasm. Such a strong influence on sexual activity have the daily stress. Experiencing mental exhaustion, a woman loses libido. Also, on the development of impotence are the influence of the following factors:
- Disagreements in the family;
- Mental and physical overwork;
- Depression;
- Insomnia;
- Long-term abstinence from sexual contacts;
- Discomfort from the environment;
- Dissatisfaction with the partner sexually;
- Concerns.
Also, experts link the feminine impotence and the education of girls. It is found that less educated representative of the fair sex more often complains of sexual disorders, than educated. The low level of education leads to a loss of libido, orgasm. Played a large role and marital status. Married girls rarely encounter any sexual dysfunction, impotence. The absence of constant sexual partner, the reason may be dysfunction. In particular, it is about widows and divorced women.

Social status is important both for men and for women. Reduce it provokes, and the decline in sexual activity, female impotence. Also, experts proved that the sooner a girl begins sexual life, the stronger is subjected to sexual disorders. It can only be a voluntary membership in sexual intimacy, but also of violence, relationship problems with partner.
Physiological causes
Disrupt the harmony in the sexual life can various disorders and nausea. As well as in men, in women a significant role is played by the condition of the cardiovascular system. Important and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea lead to a reduction of libido, that becomes the cause of impotence.
In addition, for physiological reasons, the female impotence is worth it attributed and the like:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Frequent headaches;
- Surgery in the pelvic area;
- Inflammation of the joints;
- Endometriosis;
- Polycystic ovaries;
- Anomalies of development of the genital organs;
- Disorders from the side of neurology;
- Dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- Hormonal failure.
How to cure female impotence?
For starters, in the treatment of female impotence, it is necessary to change the lifestyle. In the first place, it refers to the elimination of all possible stress and conflicts. It is necessary to establish the emotional background. In the absence of mental tension and exhaustion, the sexual activity of the girls will recover on their own.
Reduce feelings of pain during sex by improving blood flow to help regular exercise. When this case happens to strengthen the muscular corset of the whole body. A woman can get relaxation in the intimate vicinity, that will reduce the spasms of the muscles of the vagina. If the cause of impotence steel hormonal disorders, the gynecologist or the endocrinologist called hormonal treatment of different products. Depending from the specific case, violations of specific hormones.
It can be medications that focus on decreasing testosterone levels and increasing progesterone levels in a woman's body. For these purposes it is most often applied product Proginova. It increases the level of female sex hormones, which leads automatically to increased libido. In the treatment of impotence, it is very important visit not only the gynecologist, but also a sexologist and a psychologist. Only when such a comprehensive approach, you can get rid of the problem forever.
In addition, there are a large amount of tips folk medicine for the treatment of frigidity in women. They will not only, but also eliminate the inflammatory processes, restore the central nervous system. So, advise to cook the broth and take it inside of the following herbs:
- Calendula;
- Chamomile;
- Nettle;
- Rosehip;
- Schizandra;
- Celery;
- Lavender;
- Hawthorn.