The human body has a high sensitivity, but it is particularly noticeable in women. Therefore, for the women so important to coitus, as a prelude to sexual contact, which includes massage, touch and caresses of the erogenous zones, i.e., zones that are most sensitive to touch. Despite the speculation, all the erogenous zones in girls is found within the genital organs or the breasts, points, much more, and for each of the ladies zone your. Expose the most sensitive places for men sometimes disappear over time. Therefore it is better to know in advance where the most commonly found erogenous zones in women, so as not to waste time on lengthy search.
The most common places

Of course, certain zones on the body women most often have an increased sensitivity, so a massage or caresses, which focus on the data from the site, you excitatory. How to find such an area? For starters, it is worth paying attention to the chest, and that particularly sensitive spot between the breasts. It is not a coincidence, and many men subconsciously like this female organ. The nerve endings of the breast are associated with nerve endings genitals, explains the reflex occurs excitement.
Another point, responsible for the excitement, is the neck. Even assuming that the partner is fully dressed and the man resorts to the next caress, kissing on the neck can lead the lady in tension and to place the closer contact. Do not forget and about the spot behind the ears. Not to say that the ears are erogenous zones, but many people are not opposed to them did massage the auricle. Quickly the excitement of the massage will not work, but release partner the procedure exactly to contribute.
Speaking of erogenous zones on the body, not to mention your back. Special sensitivity he has a line around the vertebrae. This is due to the large load of the section of the skin due to the departure of a large number of nerves from the spinal canal.
The clear favorite of all the erogenous zones and points are sexual organs. What was told to massage the g-spot (her)! What are the theories of her presence and absence, and also the sensitivity of the advanced! However, the truth remains the truth: on the strength of the effect of rarely certain parts of the body of the girl has a greater sensitivity than the sexual organs. In particular, the excitement partner may cause the touch:
- Small genital lips. Quite a strong sensation arises due to the friction of the penis on the labia minora.
- Clitoris. It is believed that this small anatomical area in the female is analogous to the penis in men. Respectively, every person can make conclusion, what a stimulating effect on the body can have the skillful caresses of the erogenous point.
- The Vagina, especially its lower part. There are many conflicting views on the sensitivity of the area. Many researchers associate the emergence of intense excitement in the caresses of this part of the body with the g-spot. However, reliable information, exactly how to find this section, and whether the partner to respond with excitement in the caresses of this land, no. So if you and the girls have a desire to pursue the search and to try to have acupressure, try, can, but get hung up on finding is not worth it.
Closes the list of the most sensitive erogenous zone on a woman's body the inner surface of the thighs. A light caress in this zone, can wear irritating character because of the close proximity to the genital organs. It is from these sensations of stroking and even a slight tingling sensation in this erogenous zone always lead to the excitation.
Maybe it's your choice
It happens that the standard of female erogenous zones do not exactly match your partner, despite all efforts. In this case, men it is worth it to search for other erogenous places, that maybe will be a surprise even for the girls themselves. A list of the more rare erogenous zones of women will be on the inner side of the palm.
It's no secret that the palm is richly equipped with sensitive nerve endings. Of course, in everyday life, stimulation of the palms can cause excitement, otherwise a woman couldn't lead a normal life. Meanwhile, in the appropriate intimate environment of the non-intensive massage of the inner part of the palm is able to excite the girl and obtain from him a consent to a more intimate contact. Similar advice applies to sensitive areas of the wrist.
Other erogenous zones in men and women:
- Buttocks. Nature is not loaded the amount of sensitive endings of this zone. So sometimes, to answer the excitement of the girls, the men's is worth to try, not just lightly touch the fifth place of his mrs, but pinch it with a slight force, or even try a lightly spanking partner.
- Internal ulnar bend. This part of the body is in the forefront erogenous point in women, but because it's subtle and vulnerable skin, abundantly endowed with nerve endings, is quite sensitive to the touch.
- Belly. Many people cannot tolerate touch to my own belly, but to clearly answer the question of whether it is your girl for their number, it is impossible. Will have to try! If you see a positive reaction, and the partner is truly experiencing the thrill of touching, such a weasel can get into the android arsenal of sexual skills. If the reaction of the girl, when you touch this field is negative, then the effort is better to redirect.
Many oriental practices recommended as a prelude to sex for the thrill of a woman to spend a foot massage.
The fate of the

Many men believe the preliminary caresses of the erogenous zones or points of the body of the girl of a waste of time, which is associated with a higher sensitivity of the very men exclusively in the touch of the genital organs. Meanwhile, in order to achieve the excitement and get the orgasm, the wife is important is foreplay. The result is such a rush of men between the partners arises a misunderstanding and, as a result, a sense of incongruity each other. To avoid the situation, sexologists advise:
- Avoid the rush, although the stretch prelude is not worth it. Hot areas or points of the body of the girl, it is necessary to pay so much attention, that it was enough for adequate to thrill women.
- Do not be ashamed and ask whether the girl's actions. Sometimes the woman herself ashamed to tell you exactly what she likes, therefore it is better to listen to the reactions of women, until you will not be able to fully explore her sensitivity.
- May not limit the caressing of the erogenous zones and points just stroking. Some women like more powerful touches, and someone – just kissing.
And to start: if the search of the erogenous zones or points on the body of a woman lead to its excitation, then maybe it is worth it to search for their "in your head" girls. Sometimes the lack of excitement is associated with the inability to relax, switch off from everyday affairs, the uncertainty in their own attractiveness. If you see these symptoms in your girl, then the question of how to excite a girl, the answer is one: give her a sense of security and confidence in their own attractiveness and of your love. Response will not keep itself waiting!