As usual with men almost never have problems with arousal, and how to get orgasm during sex. Quite different is the situation for women: often, even after a long foreplay, long-awaited feeling of "butterflies in the abdomen" and does not come. And because I want to tune to the wishes and pace of your man! How the woman help himself quickly excited, tells in detail in our magazine.
Why a woman can not get aroused before sex?
To arrive at a solution to the problem in the first place it is necessary to clearly define what it is.
Tricks for your own excitement
Each woman has her box of tricks, because one way or another, they all had to think on the subject of excitement, each has certain observations and conclusions. In the comments you can share your views on this account, after reading the (helpful we hope) recommendations.
Right attitude
Provided that it's not about the "first time", it can be said that a certain sexual experience you have, so there it is the most important and crucial to "turning on" the butterflies in my stomach and such sweet anticipation. It's your memory . Stores in itself the key to rapid and effective destination mood back on track. This is true not only for the sex.
It is known, to give confidence, a person can remember and again the moment when he felt sure. To raise the mood, here and now, it is necessary to reproduce in memory a clear positive event.
Well, and sad for no reason, we just recalled something bad. Such a chain works here as well. Add a little imagination, you can already feel it's a nice feeling in the lower abdomen. By the way, say, that the one who has a strong imagination, it can be enough, and one is just a fantasy.
Erotic movie

And those who with imagination is not doing well, or as an additional stimulator, we offer to try a "delicious" film. If you are now anxiously dollars wrinkled discharge, do not rush to close the page. Because it really works. It is not entirely clear why a person feels sexual excitement while looking at the erotic scene, but there it is.
Is another question, what is acceptable, and even enjoyable to watch him - a light, romantic, or movies with three letters x. Ensure yourself and your loved ones in the evening the cinema or, if stiffness or prejudice prevents it, experiment yourself. Nobody will know.
Hot tub
There is a view that helps the warm bath, t. it stimulates the blood circulation. Use your favorite oils, candles, scents and other "pleasantness" on your own taste. Some have such an effect, we will deal with below.
This paragraph, consideration will be given. Most of them understand how it works. The main thing - not to overdo it.
You can try more drastic measures if one only effect on the emotional system does not bring results. Take a look at a few of the above options with each other or with a friendly and gentle touches. Or rough, if you want to. Select a. Explore your body, love yourself.
Aphrodisiac for excitement women
- A girl can't get excited so that it even comes into the foreplay. Or even through the preliminary caresses, the excitement still comes.
- First, himself, raises the possibility that something is not right with your partner: 1) performs actions that, instead of the pleasant, do not cause any feelings, or even the opposite; 2) It is not interesting for you, as well as man; 3) you May have it "mentally" is far from it - some women just can't admit it to each person with whom it is not psychological near.
- It can be fatigue. Yes-yes, the ordinary physical fatigue, overwork. If after a busy day you can try to have sex, and that something doesn't work, think: can the reason is simple, and in vain you spent the last hour on the search for answers on the world wide web?
- Fatigue can still be moral, that, in essence, too, not fatally, but a little more complicated.
- More seriously, when excited, prevents some sickness or disease, including "in their own feminine way".
- Intake of drugs can affect the process of arousal.
- Can occur as well as problems of a sexual nature, such as frigidity, or post-traumatic period of psychological trauma. However, they are hesitant, they are not on the internet, and with the help of doctors and experts.
- In susceptible persons mood swings can cause any little thing - here, have in mind that something in the current environment you confused, doesn't make the rest. Think about it, what.
- Stiffness, embarrassment. May be the result of attitudes to sex as something bad or complex about his appearance.
- Essential oils of geranium, ylang-ylang, bergamot, saffron, sandalwood.
- Strawberries, raspberries, avocado.
- The bitter chocolate.
- Olive oil.
- Almonds.
- Garlic (really, it is so).
- Ginger.
- Seafood.
- The quail eggs.
- Herbs, asparagus, sea kale, globe artichokes.
- Spices - black pepper, basil, anise, cardamom, cinnamon, etc.

How to get a excited woman folk remedies?
List an aphrodisiac in the list above will allow without any problems to assemble a full "encouraging" menu. You can cook and insist on all sorts of teas and drinks.
In addition, we offer stand separate item tincture of rhodiola rosea (golden root, tibetan ginseng) . In folk medicine, used for more than two thousand years to treat a variety of diseases, and eat a few spoonfuls of the tincture in an hour to close to increase the excitability and the title of the received pleasure.
How to obtain the excited woman quickly yourself?
How the establishment in receptions own excitement, the secret in memory, a fantasy, a regular repetition. You just keep coaching yourself, you will be thrilled when it's needed (and can be, and when there is no need).
Read an interesting novel with beautiful linen the scenes look at the movie according to your taste.
Think about sex, dream about. Imagine yourself with a defiant you have a certain desire of a man. Do not hesitate and cancel the framework of decency. Do with him what you really want, is something he wouldn't dare in everyday life.
Banal: buy beautiful and sexy lingerie. Such, in which yourself want.
It is important to love yourself and your body. Admire his own reflection in the mirror in this attire, stand in the attractive posture, smile. Appreciate your strengths, your sexuality. You are perfect, right?
Even in the ordinary days be sexy. Not in vain you will obtain this wonderful set? Don't forget about how much sex under everyday clothing.
With the word "toys", which makes you feel the association? If anything wrong, we have to do something with it. When the problem is really in how quickly aroused myself, this option is good, at least from three sides:
- Such a "toy" will have a service when a loved one is not with you.
- Help you to be liberated and to learn more about your body.
- As a bonus, can become the highlight of the love of the game.

So, about the excitement. By selecting a compact version of among the great diversity, try to take her with us. Accidentally stumbled on this intimate attribute in my purse, in addition to possible embarrassment, naturally, will and desire, that make you think, recalled his recent spicy fun.
How to encourage yourself: a step-by-step instructions for women
- Put in order to feel confident in yourself 100%.
- Pick up clothes and underwear, emphasizing her sexuality.
- Make sure you nothing not discouraged and is not distracted in the environment.
- Light candles if you like, use a scented means to tune in to the desired mood.
- Turn on the appropriate music or movie.
- Enjoy them alone or in the company of a partner.
Practical tips for women: how to excite myself
And what is the most important, is this:
- Dispose of everything that binds you - someone's opinions, stereotypes, and decent-indecent.
- Love your body, so that I honestly admire, look in the mirror.
- And if you made it to paragraph 2, take a look at yourself once again. Swipe gently on your face, lips, neck. How would you do it the loveliest of the young people in the most daring of your fantasies? Templates and imposed the views of more no. What's your natural?
- Follow everything, what you managed to gleaned from this article. Listen to your desires and wishes of your body. It is time to completely get rid of the modesty.
What to do when a woman is not excited?
The answer is clear - try something else.
- Add more foreplay or, on the contrary, deduct.
- Try to talk about sex, talk about different ways: from the ambiguous allusions to the explicit dirty talk.
- Try not just to talk, and find out your half, what she's feeling, that is love, that can deliver the discomfort. Both be honest with each other.
- Pay each other in the not yet carried out a fantasy, as well as there. Keep the courage and to meet them.
- Make rpg games. Try, maybe you like it. Take the role of well-known characters or beat the required situation.
- Change the place of deployment, because we all get bored. And if the "action" constantly is on one scenario, in one place, and God forbid even within one and the same time, this is where the power, there...
- In many ambiguous attitude to sex shops. This is understandable - in the countries of the former soviet union is too sharp turns, even after all this time.

However, in large stores, whether on the internet or in your city, outside the wide range, it is then that he will have to taste each pair of: clothing, accessories, toys, games for preludes and sex , just not the name. It remains only to choose.