Entertain in the intimate life they are able to not all women. Often such a phenomenon is related with the lack of production of secretion from the genital tract, thereby reducing sexual activity, disappears desire to love. With the aim of helping to experience an orgasm produces special lubricants for women, that excitement and the desire to engage in sexual intercourse.

Causes of low sexual desire
The lack of interest of women and of the male sex can be caused by certain states of an organism, including certain diseases. For this reason, in the intimate life lacks satisfaction, often it may even contribute to the development of unpleasant feelings, because the vagina stays dry.
The main reasons for low female libido are:
- the pathology of a chronic type;
- a violation of hormonal background;
- emotional disorders — stress, depressive states, fear, strong excitement;
- intake of large amounts of anti-depressants, sedative drugs;
- excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, smoking, drug addiction.
To determine the lack of desire for the male part of the population can a woman on your own. It is expressed in aversion to sex, lack of satisfaction. If it does not work to establish the causes of low libido, it is possible to contact the medical expert. It shall ensure that they prescribe the appropriate treatment, thanks to which the woman returns the excitement and the desire to engage in sexual intercourse.
Often to identify the factors must pass a complete medical examination and is required to donate blood to determine hormone levels.
Types of lubricants
Now there is a large selection of lubricants–exciter for women. Vary with the manner of application, have different values, a form of release.
Get the data tools, it is possible in any specialty store, pharmaceutical equipment. Thanks to the wide range it is possible to choose a suitable remedy, with respect to personal preferences, characteristics of the body, the method of application.
We distinguish the following forms of pathogens:

- tablets, capsules — it is characterized by high prevalence, because they are comfortable to use. Their you can always carry with you and enjoy undetected if necessary. The therapeutic effect starts after 30 minutes, it takes about 5-6 hours. Data stimulants can be made on the basis of synthetic or herbal ingredients;
- powders, solutions, drops — works very effectively, the excitement appears already after 10 minutes from application. These products contain natural ingredients, so they do not have any contraindications. Due to the absence of odor, taste, toppings you can add to the drink;
- gels, ointments, sprays — are designed for outdoor use, is made of the hood of the plant–an aphrodisiac. Use prior to intimate contact, is applied to the area of the genital organs. The length of the effect as stimulants is 1-2 hours;
- chewable form of financial resources — is characterized by considerable popularity among the female gender. They may have different tastes, the smell, they are able to bleach your teeth, sweeten your breath. The therapeutic effect occurs after 10 minutes.
Correctly pick up the intimate stimulants, your doctor, whereas all of the preferences, individual characteristics of the organism.
To obtain mutual pleasure, pleasure in the process of making love, the partner is at the same time recommended to use stimulating lubricants for men, especially if he has any problems with potency.
How to properly apply
Obtain the pleasure of sexual intercourse largely depends on the correctness of the use of lubricants. It is necessary to carefully read the manual. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications, pay attention to the duration of intimate arousal.
Tablets and capsules are used as a conventional means, washed off with water. Ointments are applied to the area of the genital organs of a small layer. Solutions allowed to be added to various fluids, because they do not affect their taste and smell. Spray is used topically, as well as gels. And chewable stimulators can be used like normal rubber.
In compliance with the guidelines, it is possible to achieve a longer orgasm during sex.
Before using any means he can not forget the presence of contraindications. Intimate lubrication is prohibited in the following cases:
- the period of pregnancy;
- the presence of mental disorders, especially epileptic seizures;
- the emergence of spasms of the upper and lower limbs;
- arterial hypertension;
- inflammatory processes of the genital organs.
Women who constantly noticed behind emotional instability, and this is the reason, stress, depression, suffer from tantrums and are able to nervousness, also contraindicated women's lubrication.
Stimulants can not be used to girls that are not joined to the intercourse, because in the future are possible complications. More often it is defined by the absence of more orgasm during sex.
An overview of effective means

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies are presented various forms of lubricant, so you won't have trouble finding for yourself the right means. As far as effectiveness and duration of more fun, each product is distinguished by its advantages and disadvantages.
The leading place is occupied by lubrication in the form of tablets and capsules, as their therapeutic effect lasts for 5-6 hours. Choose a suitable remedy, your doctor.
An interesting solution will be the use of chewing stimulants. They are able to ignite the desire for closeness, help to relax and get pleasure from sex.
To fix the problem of an intimate nature to help many female lubrication, the main thing — the right to choose for themselves the remedy, with regard to personal preference.