The very word slime; it sounds like something repulsive. But, after all, is it possible to change it to the word hydrate;. You know, the common expression: Behold, the baba saw the peasant, and she instantly became wet between the legs;. Yes yes, it's phlegm is a normal reaction to the exciting object in women.;But don't be of these secretions, then sexual intercourse would be similar to the crusher sugar on the grater.
Gentlemen of the virgin, during the first sex, don't worry mucus discharge in women, when it is excited it means that you like her.
A small example from life. One very shy virgin, still in school age after the ears fell in love with a girl from the parallel class. She went crazy, wrote her anonymous love poems, but she in his emphasis did not notice.
Didn't even know how to approach her, because she's not I know what the basics need to study in a sexual way. He would make a fool of the relevant literature read, and it's all with books of the great poets walked. The only thing with half an ear to hear, that there are diseases transmitted through sexual contact, and that there then dripping from the authorities.
It just so happened that the object of his desire, itself seduced him. Where-is it on a school party happened. And here they are in her home, not the parents, fate all set. Kisses, caress, shake hands actually touched her labia and there normal female, discharge of mucus, when it is excited. But it immediately bound such fear, gentle, a girl is attacked by a terrible disease, therefore, that the moisture in her panties was oh-oh! Poor guy, he had on half of the sixth; and he's ashamed he ran away from his goddess;.
Already later, the failed lover with a sad laugh recalls this event, as he lost his first love. Well yes, time will heal over then learned, get married, spawn a lot of children.
How and why there is discharge in women, when it is excited?

The vaginal fluid has a very complex composition, which produce sex hormones, which are in the vagina, the uterus and the epithelium of the vagina. There is no need to think that the mucus is secreted only when the excitement, in small amounts in the vagina is always.
However, before intercourse and when the excitement is the body expels the mucus in several times more, for the fact that the sexual act was more comfortable, and he'd be dry, delivering the uncomfortable feelings of both partners.
In healthy girls vaginal fluid is slightly thick and transparent mucus, without pronounced odor, and unnatural colors. For each woman the amount of moisture is different, it all depends on the degree of excitement and his readiness for intercourse. An experienced partner always understand, how it is aroused, his beloved, and will be a prelude to sex, so you don't get the dubious pleasure dry.
But also the excess secretion of grease in women, when he's excited sometimes cause difficulties of a psychological nature for both lovers, especially if a pair for the first time or a short time she had intercourse. One may assume that with the lady, that something is wrong: or dissolute, or any problems with his problems in the sexual sphere. The girl may feel embarrassed, or generally to refuse sex. In his opinion such an abundance of moisture to alienate a partner, and yes, gm, they are very annoying noises from the vagina, for this reason, during sexual intercourse, like they got on Well.
What colors appear discharge standard and real concerns

So, the transfer of the colors:
- colorless or slightly whitish shade;
- a rich white with a dense fluid;
- gray or even green;
- In the first case, the worry is not worth it. Even the white discharge during arousal in women it is not a sign of her illness, it is plain white. They are mainly observed in girls, which are in the period of ovulation is it a sign of the times conception of the child. As well as white color can be in the lubrication during excitement, and especially during repeated sexual intercourse or after intercourse with a condom.
- In the second case, if the panties girls white cheesy choice, and so is her vagina and the sexual organs look inflamed, then it is likely that the thrush. This does not mean that the sexually transmitted disease, and it doesn't mean that it's unkempt - it can be a reaction to the antibiotics, or some personal hygiene. But sex is desirable in a condom.
- Discharge of fluid during arousal in women gray with green tint can be dangerous for the partner. And it's not only the color says about the dangers, but also the availability of a pungent odor, excuse me, rotten fish, know that the girl something from someone picked up;. Even in the case that the girl is all like clean and orderly. With such a lady self-indulgence; you will definitely have an effect on health.
Myths lovers of adult movies of secretions
Initially, I want to dispel the myth for lovers of films for adults, it is just porn. Sometimes in the movies are such episodes: here deals with a pair, and that no one, wild sex, and that one of the women begin with a rich selection of in the excitement, yes, like that poured the floor of the bed, and during orgasm at all, it is like a whale taking a strong stream of vaginal fluid upwards.
After watching this film on the internet are heated debates whether it is possible or not. Someone even knocks themselves a heel in a breast, that itself personally saw a similar, when sleeping with a partner. Scandalous nonsense and stupid bravado.
Lightly wet the bed under my ass was still there, where it could be done but to pour in liters, from the heel to the ears, yes, and even with fountains - this does not happen.
So, advice to girls to be ashamed of, that somewhere below you there was a small lying on the floor in a pool: it's fine, just so the body responded to arousal, and lubrication takes longer. The men of the council to fear, and no shame girl: you look stupid.
And here is a brief lubrication, or at all its absence, you can have both, well it happens, especially for mature couples where the woman comes to menopause, just as her yet oh, how you want! Well there is intimacy-stores special gels and lubrication, so go for it, and good sex!