In the last edition of the column we have tried to reason a man denies wives in intimacy. We now set the other halves. After all, according to statistics, at least two out of ten women are struggling in the embrace of a man. Just do not have such a wish. Even if they have this option. And roughly 40 percent of those who - desire - be it with difficulty, but you only find, do not have the experience of sex satisfaction. And worst of all, many of their ranks over time, pass into the category of those who are trying to. Especially after having lived some time with my husband. Eventually suffer from both sides: some want sex, others they don't get him. Therefore it is not surprising that many scientists, who are looking for "antidote" - such things are ways and means to warm up the "cold" of the ladies.

Of the natural methods is more-less works only one. For example, the Rosemary from the University of British Columbia recommends (and "KP" is not a time is recommended) for women to have sex despite the "I can't-I don't want to". Her study convincingly showed that "the very act of sexual relations restores libido". And the more transactions, the faster occurs the healing. Because in a woman's blood increases the content of the hormone testosterone, which, in many respects, and is responsible for lust.
The trouble is that most of the ladies (just read the reactions on our website) a violent way ugly. Mainly because of a sense of personal sexual aversion to men-the artist. And what's going on? Start treatment prevents the "healer" and "healer" prevents, because it is "sick". A vicious circle... Just a huge desire of the wife to meet the husband allows you to break out of it.
Some psychologists advise to ladies erotic video. Refer to the data of opinion polls, which show that more than half of the women react to it. Then there are excited. And quite strongly. And quickly - on average in 743 seconds. In speed, they are only about half a minute worse than men.
But... As usual, the woman does not want to prescribed "healer" medicine. Even knew about it, that will be a thrill. In other words, the physiological response of the fairer sex is not always indicative of their desire to enter into an intimate relationship. And some are willing to defend it.
Scientists say: the desire of women to change over time. And medical statistics he says shows that the peak of passion reach to 35 years. Or even later. So may need to just wait?
Unfortunately, many spouses have been waiting for. But he didn't. On the contrary, is full of such, for which the young wife gladly and love sex. And I grew up, "went into denial".
Scientific logic dictates: addiction to love evoke a chemical substance, which produces the organism itself. From them causes lust and the attendant gave him pleasure. A normal female body produces these chemicals in sufficient quantities and in proper proportions. Nutter - is subdued. And if yes, then it is necessary to add the missing.
Suddenly sexologist pinned the hopes of directly on testosterone. Have even designed a special patch that hormone injected under the skin. But the big success of this therapy has not brought. Women have proven to be more often in his reluctance.
The american professor Larry Young from Emory University in Atlanta was experimenting with another hormone - oxytocin, which give birth to sexual fantasies, pushing all the hugs, mutual caress, relieves stress and boosts confidence to each other. At least with lovers level of this hormone is updated.
However, direct reception of oxytocin, no one else woke up love, what is called, on an empty place. And is not sent to a cold woman in a hug, sexy hated husband. Even when reduced several times the amount of scandals among the spouses who participated in the experiments.
The professor, however, lose hope of success. And goes in search of substances, as they say. They believe that with their help, you still manage to at least strengthen the love feeling. If it still burns.
And until the situation in the end to clarify, scientists are working on two fronts - and with a woman's organisms, and with their personal parts. This means that with the brain, which, according to many, and it is the main sexual organ. And here in this direction, it seems, has made substantial progress in creating the potions for the magic of love.

Chip for the magic of love
Psychiatrist Morten from the university of Oxford in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience says that he found a plot of land in the brain, which is specifically responsible for sexual pleasure. But its precise coordinates does not. It is reported just that little treasure is a point located in the orbital-frontal cortex. I heard it from her impulses, libido and leads to orgasm.
In the next 10 years, the researcher intends to create an electronic chip and to handle the surgery for its implantation in the best place. The goal is for all who want to sexual pleasure. At any time. Control - use to as it is from the garage door. One button on it will stimulate the libido, the second is to ensure an orgasm. Natural sexual intercourse in this unaffected. Just will be optimized electronics. And who and on what button to press - deal with partners. Even if your device is able to use, and in solitude.
Some of the ways exposure to "cold" the ladies already exists. Another approach. But the question is: will exist, whether they want to take advantage of them?
Pharmaceutical companies, no doubt, the success - expect that the market is in the billions of dollars. He believed that to overcome even viagra. In fact, women with visual disabilities libido about nothing less than the "slow" men. But because between them there is a difference... with a Strong floor and himself like to be treated. And weak-it won't. And what will change with the advent of the miracle of the sex tablet? Though Feed them you can secretly put it into the compote. Or red wine.
Scientists from Turin and Florence university carried out tests on 798 women who have permanent partners. The power of these women with the red wine. Poured a every day one-two glasses. And then measure the sexual activity of the drink according to several criteria: attractions, excitability, intensity and orgasms, pain feelings.
Results of a bold experiment, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. And they testify: the one-two glasses beautified by the different desire, decreases, or even delivered from the painful feelings. But nothing more, unfortunately, red wine does not affect. Unfortunately, the authors of the studies so far have managed to clarify, and the mechanisms of its action on the sexual activity of women. But they are going to get to the truth hidden in the red wine. And they will continue to drink.