Intimate relationships are of great importance, and for men and for women. Are important to maintain not only physical health, but also psychological.
Sometimes happens is that the physical or mental condition allows the woman to fully relax and get excited. It is fraught with insufficient excretion of влагалищной lubricants, sex and fails to deliver proper entertainment partners, in addition, may be present even feelings of pain. Just for these situations are created by a special women's pathogens in drops.
What constitutes the excitatory drops for women
What women need of a product to increase libido? In what cases it is necessary to take drops or other means?
A woman's body works differently, it differs considerably from the male. Representatives of the stronger sex, to stir enough to see nude girl.

And here at women from full-fledged excitement in the body undergoes a series of processes:
- The process of arousal in girls means prepare the vagina for sex. To avoid the painful feelings during intimacy, in the female genital organs stands out with a special lubricant. If the excitement came not at full strength – it is likely to cause pain, and also increases the likelihood of infection or injury in the process of sex.
- In case of insufficient arousal decreases the probability of obtaining orgasm. To some extent, it is assessed, as is abstinence, because if it is not orgasm – not a true relaxation of the body and not it lowers the voltage, which occurs during sexual intercourse. And the lack of top entertainment is able to cause inflammatory processes that can cause other gynecological diseases.
- The process of arousal, and then sexual relationship with a man a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of the girls. Women who regularly live an intimate life, more balanced and calm in the emotional plane.
The medicine to excite the fairer sex, it is possible to use not only when it comes to arouse excitement, but also in some other cases. For example, when the lovers no time for long foreplay, and desire still not growing.
Just at this moment come to the aid drops that to thrill the women. This remedy will not only help increase libido in a critical moment, but also will add variety and introduce new experiences of the two partners.
These remedies should be taken, if they have place the following indicators:
- The low level of sexual excitement and a lack of natural lubrication.
- Broken blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- If there are problems with тонусом the vagina.
- Such a symptom, such as frigidity, as well as the constant lack of orgasm.
- Lack of desire and desire for lovemaking.

If a woman found in possession of such symptoms, then, first of all, you should consult with your doctor. After all, they may need more in-depth intervention specialists.
Attention! Buy women of the originator can be in the pharmacy! Activators for women come in the form of drops, but also in other dosage forms!
The principle of the drops
Action of some agent, and it including of, is based on the fact that they form the components begin to act, to promote the development of women, влагалищной lubrication. While it helps to make sexual intercourse soft, pleasant and painless.
The originator of for women for fast action begins to manifest itself already in ten minutes after ingestion.
Lady may appear the following processes, which show that the effect of the drug is in the active phase:
- учащается heart palpitations;
- breathing becomes frequent and excited;
- the blood vessels to dilate, can observe the emergence of the rosiness;
- increases the breast and also the labia and the clitoris.
The above manifestations are external, and it is possible to see and recognize. But also occur and the internal processes, which are caused by the direct action of the pathogen on the female body.
So how to increases sexual attraction, a woman can have multiple orgasms, but also become more active and confident in bed.
On the basis of the evaluation of the representatives of the beautiful gender, they used this resource, it can be concluded, that the wife of the originator – drop, it allows the girl to feel relaxed, ready to experiment.
As mentioned earlier, such as drops for girls you can buy in pharmacies. On the basis of the names of the components means, it is clear that the principle of action quickly-drops can be different. The pharmacist is able to tell what kinds of pathogens are available. But a woman needs and know exactly what kind of aphrodisiac suits her.
The actions of the various pathogens is the following:
- The product may have an effect on the blood circulation of the pelvic organs. Also cause a strong blood flow to the genitals, which is manifested as a strong, irresistible desire to love.
- The drug favorably affects the secretion of natural lubricants in the vagina, leads in the excitement of the nipples, the genitals and increases sensitivity when touched men.
Drops for excitement convenient to use. Do not require the manufacture of special graphics for the reception. It is possible to add them to any liquid – juice, tea, water.
Pack with drops, usually enough for one to ten tricks. It happens so that funds from different manufacturers have the same composition – the differences are just in the packaging.

One can distinguish a few of the most common female pathogens:
- "shpanskaya mushka". This pathogen is considered the most common among the fair sex. The main active substance – kandraitin (it is an enzyme of the insect). This substance is quite toxic, so the dosage should be observed exactly as indicated in the instructions. "shpanskaya Fly", is considered to be a very effective means, since its effect comes literally five minutes after ingestion. The price for one package – about three hundred rubles.
- "Silver Fox". It is also the causative agent of the strong action. Exciting effect after ingestion of comes minutes through twenty, but lasts long enough. The disposable bag of this product is 300 rubles.
- "Female Viagra". This drug is indian. Reviews about it, mostly positive. Girls, испытавшие it to yourself, note that after eating a person feels a rush of blood to the genitals, heavily moistening the vagina. And even during sex are more intense pleasurable feelings. Deal starts after a lapse of twenty minutes after ingestion. Suitable for young girls and ladies in their fifties.
- "Horse pathogen". The basic components of this drug actively affecting the central nervous and autonomic system of the person. Thanks to this, the woman quickly begins to feel excitement and attraction to the opposite sex.
Important! For every woman one and the same pathogen may behave differently. In one case, the effect comes quickly, and in another – it is necessary to wait a certain period of time. On this basis, can be both positive and negative reviews on a single vehicle.
Contraindications and side effects
Excitatory drops have virtually the same effect, and therefore, the contraindications, and side effects of nearly different.
Since these funds actively operating in the process of circulation, women may experience redness in the face or on other parts of the body. But this effect is not worth it to worry about – it doesn't take long and is considered quite normal, when he's aroused body.
In individual cases it may occur with symptoms such as dizziness or headaches. Synthetic substances accelerate the number of heart beats. But such manifestations can be avoided, if the originator selected correctly and strictly adhere to the specified dosage.
If a woman doesn't want to use synthetic means to stimulate excitement, you can use those, in whose composition includes natural ingredients. Active activity for them comes later, but as activators they have a natural composition.
If we take into account the contraindications, these include:
- Pregnancy.
- Heart disease.
- Delegated a heart attack or stroke.
- The increased blood pressure.
- Inflammation of the genital organs.
A new generation of different pathogens each year is produced by pharmaceutical firms and finds its consumers. After all, even if with arousal in women everything is in order, from new sexual experiences is unlikely to refuse.
Women that buy these devices in specialized stores or in the pharmacy, not just the nostalgic relationship of the obtained sensations.
And yet it is recommended to try something new in sex with a partner, is it to give a new breath of relationships.