Sometimes we are so passionate about a job, housework, children, that with the onset of night, making love with the beloved man turns into a purely mechanical process.
How to feel the maximum pleasure of intimacy with a loved one?
Many women complain that they never experienced an orgasm, even it is a few years old married. But there is a reason why only men? Unlikely. Of course, from the stronger sex care a lot about: whether he knows what is needed, the partner knows whether to stimulate the erogenous zones. What else to do, if before reaching the sex, you can't relax until the end? What to do when a long time are already experiencing an orgasm?
The answer is clear: intimacy with the beloved person it is possible to excite yourself and experience all the delights of making love together with him.
There are many ways to the end of the day just to race in pairs in the embrace of the beloved, wear him into the bedroom.
The easiest and perhaps safest way is to entrust your imagination. How much you slice it and for women it is inserted all in your head.
It's no secret that a woman's mind is able to dream everything to the smallest detail, and, also, believe in your imagination as on the real thing. In our case, using the imagination will also be very handy. Try during the day present with a loved one. Try to experience its bold embrace, the smell of male cologne, the feel, how to caress Your soft skin, it penetrates further - in the secluded nooks of Your body. Focus. Imagine that every movement of his body gives You a lot of fun.
Just a few minutes in the course of the day detailed fantasy to the evening You were ready for a long and passionate night.
Another, equally effective way – is to love yourself, and in clothes, and without her. Stand opposite a mirror in all length, consider your own naked body. Even, if you Have any flaws, is it worth it to focus on them. Learn to love his display in the mirror. Try to caress and fondle each other. Do not hesitate and get to know your body. Learn that gives You more pleasure, what touches You more excite. If You are yourself, learn yourself, then You will be easier in the future to lead Your partner to the right action. Remember, no disgrace it's not. The body needs to recharge. Do not love yourself, You will never experience the maximum enjoyment, and therefore to have an orgasm you will know just from the words of the chatty bridesmaids, or viewing the adult movies.
Even if you don't have a steady partner, as it is quite imagine the guy of your dreams. It may be a famous idol, or a young man, on whom You have long hung on every mind, and either simple known an attractive appearance. In this case, you can use the toys at the sex store for the tasting.
Between men ("alpha males", as they call themselves) are of the opinion that good sex can bind to itself a girl. I would not be so confident, that even if a young person is a mega good lover.
A girl who is good enough to know your body and can upset yourself about yourself, will be able to experience an orgasm with a man who can be with her in one bed.
Therefore, it can be mistress of the situation, and not the prisoner – choose a guy based on his inner qualities, the degree of reliability and accountability, and orgasm, while the reciprocal is desired, it is only the result of the work over the body and imagination.
Obtain the pleasure of sexual intimacy depends on the mutual desires of men and women. If one of them either instantly both felt the moral or physical fatigue, experience daily stress at home and at work, it is very difficult for them to tune into the wave of love and joy. In such cases, the invaluable assistance you will have pathogens, contributing to increase the libido and improve vitality.

Drugs, strengthen the sex drive, to enjoy not only men, but also beautiful ladies. Women is actively applied in their battle with the frigidity, and also with the aim of revealing the sexual skills and overcome shyness in bed. The fair sex, even those that before were unfamiliar feeling of orgasm, begin to experience with sexual treats.
Reasons for decreased libido in women
Lack of sexual desire not so rare problem among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The sexual appetite of a dam can affect a large number of factors, but most often the problem occurs on the background of a certain psychological state:
- Adolescent concerns;
- the boring and monotonous sexual relations;
- problems in relationships with a partner.
Women's activators
Increase libido and get an unforgettable taste experience in the bed you activators for women. In addition, these funds will bring joy not only to the lady herself, but also his penis partner, because the dream of every man is incredibly passionate about sexual abuse, when it comes to women.
Most of the irritants means having a quick action, which is very important for the implementation of sexual intercourse. In addition, the hot activators virtually have no side effect. The only exceptions are cases where it is observed an increased sensitivity to certain components of the product.
Aphrodisiacs have the following effects on the female body:
- Improve moisture of the vagina, which significantly facilitates the penetration of the penis.
- Fast exciting effect: an irresistible sexual desire and sex drive, is produced after a few minutes.
- A substantial increase in the sensitivity of the skin sheets.
- Strengthen orgasm, which is when it becomes a longer and more dynamic.
The first signs of sexual arousal in women can be observed already after a few minutes after the use of aphrodisiacs. The lady becomes more sexy and uninhibited, has a becomes more frequent breath and harden nipples.
Using aphrodisiacs loving each other partners can diversify sex life, restoring to him at the feast, and the former passions.
So excitatory drugs have been used already in ancient times and the dos time has not lost its popularity. In the middle ages means that libido in women, it was possible to find only by folk healers, who for centuries have studied the mechanism of action of certain substances on individuals.
In our country there is still quite a recently purchased exciting product was virtually impossible, because the existing at the time of public morality. Now aphrodisiac can openly buy at the pharmacy, not to mention the sex shops. So men this is too much work, bring your sweetheart to the unbridled appetite for sex, thereby ensuring the obtaining of sexual pleasure of both partners.
Types and methods of application of excitatory drugs for women
There are many pathogens for women of different forms and methods of use. Thanks to this diversity, every beautiful lady has the opportunity to obtain a sexual stimulant to your liking:

It is important to realize that pharmacological agents, however are good, even provide only short-term effect and completely without a release from the problems. In addition, they have a negative impact on human health and cause dependence. However, despair is not worth it, because, and here to the aid can come and folk medicine with its centuries-old experience.
There are many natural aphrodisiacs of herbal origin, which are able to return you to previous sexual passion. If you want to take advantage of folk remedies, contribute to sexual excitement, it is necessary to get acquainted with them in more detail. Regular use of natural aphrodisiacs will not only help to restore sexual desire, but also improve the overall condition of the body.
Plants-aphrodisiacs for arousal women
Jasmine. Collected the flowers of the plants are dry, grind, and fall asleep in a thermos. Raw pour boiling water (0.5 l) and insist in a warm place for one hour, then drain. Eat 1 times/day to 100 ml instead of tea.
Arnica. It is necessary to take the dried flowers of the plant (15 oz.), grind and cooking boiling water (400 ml). Take a few hours before sexual intercourse in 50 ml. of the Rhizome of the plant to grind and pour boiling water (300 ml), insist 2 hours in a warm place. Apply an hour before sexual intercourse for 2 hr. l.
Raspberry. It is sufficiently effective female agents. For the preparation of the mixture is necessary to whip (better mixer) a few quail eggs and add to them the crushed berries raspberry (100 gr.), here is to give a little bit of honey. Mixture mix thoroughly and store in a cool place (in refrigerator). The resulting means to consume per day to 10 g 2 times/day: lunch, and necessarily before bedtime.
Plantain and nettle. The mixture of these plants is an effective excitation means for women. For its preparation it is necessary to take the seeds of plantain and nettle in the ratio of 1:1, grind into a powdery state, I fall asleep raw materials in glass containers and add a little honey. The composition of the mix carefully and put the capacity on the window sill, leave it in during the week. Apply daily on the 10 gr. before dinner.
Ginseng. It is the most popular natural agents for women. Under its influence in a person's body, there are certain biological processes that affect the increase of libido.
Fenugreek. The use of this plant as the originator is another tasty way to solve the problem of low libido. Properties of fenugreek have been known for old people, Greece, Egypt and Rome. According to the taste of the plant kind of reminds me of caramel or maple syrup is used for flavoring dishes, but also in a mixture of spices. In India the leaves of the fenugreek used in food as vegetables. Funds made on the basis of the fenugreek, in the course of many centuries, used to increase libido in both men and women, the same as drugs help improve the condition of the tissues of the breast and to increase lactation lactating women. Some even claim that this aphrodisiac helps to increase the size of the breast.
Aloe. It is necessary to take a few leaves of the plant, rinse and carefully grind. The resulting mush connect with honey in the ratio 1:1, mix. Consume daily for one tablespoon.
In most cases, a decline in libido is not so serious problem and means for its solution, as a rule, are at the fingertips of almost every woman. Sometimes the ladies in the validity of any circumstances can not brew the potion himself (sheer laziness, lack of time, etc.).
However, to improve libido it is not necessary to strain to the preparation of the various mixtures and tinctures, you just need to include in your diet certain foods.

Try to eat more seafood, legumes and citrus fruits. Increase of sexual desire also contributes to the consumption of these products:
As you yourself understand, in fact it is quite simple. He knew about the excitatory properties of some plants and food, you will easily be able to not only strengthen sexual desire, but also improve his mood and mental well-being.
The best caress - the lower part of the abdomen. It is necessary to lightly push at him, and even better to put a small pin, which will slightly press in movements. Tip wise, these press - is actually a direct stimulation of the uterus. Its reduction can cause excitement and orgasm, but here it is important not to overdo it. As usual
is it effective if a woman is already booted, but still closer to the welcome orgasm.
A few clicks on the underbelly before orgasm will greatly increase the pleasure.
It is necessary to introduce into the vagina a solution of alum. Alum constrict the vagina, increase its sensitivity, but it severely dried mucosa. If the first few minutes, the woman still accepts a burning sensation in the genitals for excitement, and then she will become less and less pleasant. And yet, this method is fraught with inflammation. So it is not necessary.
Insert before contact a swab into the rectum. Fun tip, which is not deprived of common sense: the compression of the rectum forces the clamp and the vagina (sometimes the volume is reduced by a whole inch). For this reason, more stimulation of your sensitive nerve endings of the vagina. I know that this way of like to use women who give birth. And yet carried away, there is no need - with long-term use is fraught with hyperinflation of the muscles of the rectum.
Should be before the "warm up" the vagina - take a bath with grass elecampane or sea salt.
Easy stimulation of the warm water can "wake up" the sensitive points, but not by much.
And warm water is what will help a woman relax. Bath with elecampane or salt increases body temperature, causes and blood, but to a woman very excitable it can't.
Dissolve two to three drops of iodine in a glass of milk and drink it before contact. This cocktail induces contractions of the uterus, strengthens the muscle tone. Sometimes the "people's obstetricians" offer to consume even during prolonged childbirth. But here the orgasm is unlikely, it has the effect, in addition, the taste is unpleasant.
Enter an hour before intercourse into the vagina carrot. A certain stimulating effect it may have: first of all, this is a mechanical irritation of the walls of the vagina causing a rush of blood, and secondly,
carotene, which is contained in carrot juice, has a stimulating effect.
Just carrots must be pre-cleaned and wash thoroughly.
It is necessary to open the window or the window wider and sex in a cold bedroom. When the air temperature is 17-19 degrees blood is thicker just surging to the body, and the sensitivity may increase. There is information that for some women it really amplifies the excitement.