However, all of this ancillary literature leaves a feeling that really bring the woman pleasure is the only possible and) vyzubrit anatomy reference, b) by entering the bag sophisticated equipment from a sex-shop and) even take a more experienced friend. Everything is really dramatic, and women can actually experience orgasm only in the pose of "the dragon, oppugnationem pertinent parant administrare Golutvinsky fortress" at the current stimulation of the points G, K and U, assuming that the function X is constantly trying to zero?... Fortunately, the practice in sex where it is easier in theory.
1. You call his name
"When a man during sex, calling me name, it is very hot. I have a feeling that in this moment is his excites, is not an abstract female body, and that's what they think about ME, that he wants ME. No alienation and stiffness from this immediately disappears"
What did you usually say in bed? "Yes... it is so... well... wow!" Just a few complicating this combination of five words, vpihnuv there her name. "Yes... Mashenka... this is so...Mashenka... well... Mashenka... ooh... Mashenka!" And we hope, that it in fact my name is Mashenka.
2. Play with his hair
"When my friend was sifting through my hair and kisses in my whole body is covered with armor and I just wants to climb in bed with him"
All the female body is densely covered with hairs. No, the truth. Not believe — get sometimes in the bedroom a magnifying glass and examine. (A bruise under the eye will take place quickly, and the lessons learned will remain for life.) Each microscopic smooth shave — it is a kind of antenna, which sends signals of excitement is located near the nerve endings. When you touch only the hair — not touching the skin, to the "interference" signal — a woman excited more than from direct contact. But it is not so easy — the hairs too short (and even bred under the root of the epilator). Fortunately, women have on the body have and the longer the antenna, which can be easily ironed, sorting, avoiding direct contact with the skin. For example, on its head. Well, and where else you can find.
3. Kiss her
"The main thing in sex — is that a kiss on the lips. It is the most intimate, the most delicate, the most important excitatory and best of all, what can man"
About "best what is capable" — is, of course, one could argue. However: women love it when their kiss. Even if they have a lot of kissing, kiss on the lips, holding for a hundred got into the top ten. Here's how the same young lady describes the "proper kiss":
"It starts with a light touch of lips on lips, then his tongue begins to lightly slide around the mouth, flows to my tongue moving rhythmically, but not too fast. From this domineering and gentle kiss, I immediately begin to whirl the head!"
4. Caress her face
"I like it when a woman has a finger on my cheek, kisses my chin touches my eyebrows and eyelids. I can see that he was watching me and I feel at this moment the most beautiful woman in the world"
We place emphasis on the woman's face only after a visual inspection of the lower floors. In women everything is different. They will never shout in the wake of a man with a good figure, if they are not convinced of the ability, however, that he had on his head has a complete kit brow, nose and chin — the women's gender in general, the more it weighs the details than the overall plan. For women face — it is the cornerstone, the mirror of the soul — this is the reason why it is able to spend millions of money and hours on it, to dye, knead, grind and operate.
5. Prepare territory
"It seems to me that it is very important to men, to whom you came home, everything was tidy. I'm not for it, to the book cost exactly and the dust wasn't — that's nonsense. And here fresh linen, tidy the bathroom, clean shirt that I could throw it all confirmed about his attention to me. And so, if he will take care of it, to be next to on the bed were water, fruits, sweets and candles burning — then I decide that it is the best and caring lover!"
And don't forget to lock Lord Marlborough in the back room. Women love dogs, but it's hard to have an orgasm, when the bulldogs, sniffing, licking them heels.
6. Not let it out of my hand
"From the looks of things, if it is during sex and the man continues to caress me with his hands. Not only temere id capessit on the knee or elbow, and guided by the palms on my hips, abdomen, back and breasts. Probably, it is very difficult, because the few who does it"
Naive Lucinka! Of course it is not difficult — just like anything, all hands do not reach. Although a grain of truth to it — when a man is diverted to the stroking and stimulation, it slows down the attack of his orgasm and accelerates the onset of the female gender.
7. Touch gently
"Many men the first thing caught by the nipples, but only a few know how to properly treat them. The fact is, that the female nipples are very sensitive and rough to the touch not only excites, but on the contrary, brings discomfort. I like it much better when the man caresses the area next to it, than directly pushing on this button. When it's done gently, tenderly, to me it really starts"
We women differently understood the phrase "handle gently". A woman's imagination draws the cotton balls and friends of the feather, we rather imagine nulevkoy cortices. So the use of a proven method — before that, how to stretch for any interesting items — lick your fingers. The moisture will protect the sensitive zone, and even from the very energetic sensitivity.
8. Do her a risky compliments
"Before, I was quite timid and even shy to undress, but my last boyfriend turned to me a completely different woman. He constantly tells me that I'm the most beautiful, the sexiest, that off my chest, lose the sense and all the other women next to me — a perfect nothing. I'm so used to hear that I am convincing myself to fully believe him on that and nothing shy"
Compliments about eyes and the hair does not hurt. However, about the fact that it today looks great, she already knows. Her about it, they sent word to her hairdresser and the one hundred and eighty colleagues, who are in the work more to do needless to say, as idleness from office to office and sprinkle with compliments. But from you and only from you, she may find that her prey — only a fool get out, and in the bed moves like a porn star. (If informed about it is your best friend Dimon. With your words, of course.)
9. You can't even move around
"A good lover is different from wrong, that it all makes naturally. When he caresses a woman, he didn't come, but just like how nature has created the female body. We're all the participation from the full circles — breasts, buttocks, lips, cheeks, elbows... And the hands of the man, gently duplicate these circles, upward in to the woman voice of nature transforms her in the female, in the pet — passionate"
So move in a circle. (Although good would be to find out what kind of woman is going to turn this Natasha — there are also such, which in the culminating moment prefer snacks to their marital partners.)
10. Complete in a timely manner
"I don't I can always achieve orgasm — and not because a person does something wrong, just sometimes it works for me, and sometimes not. And very well, if partner understands it and is not having sex again in an endless, exhausting race for the blue bird. After I other and I'll feel guilty for it, that he tried so hard, and I couldn't. Let's just alerting me that he is ready to cum, and when I, get to feel, that alone could still reach climax, I tell him: "Yet a little, cute!". And if I say: "Yes, I'm waiting for you!" — then let's finish"
All the sexologists and all the women in unison say: the woman is able to get full satisfaction from sex, nor experienced an orgasm. Us with you don't understand — but to believe them on the word.
11. Greatly scenario
"For me, the most important thing in sex — it is the element of surprise. When the entire program is known in advance, it is difficult to get excited about really, and when it's repeated day after day... Here women and begin to change your man"
Even if your girl never once expressed claims about the routine in sex — it doesn't mean that it completely suits you. You're not you start to scandals due to the fact that you have half a year for breakfast, lunch and dinner feeds "dumplings giant". However, some variety in the diet of fear you would, right? It's her, too. And for the implementation of this "diversity" is absolutely not necessary to raise your penis surgically, and go to the bed in leather pants and handcuffs. Quite a bit will only slightly change the routine procedure. You've always kissed her first on the lips, then on the chest, then the belly button, after which the pacing in the missionary position and ended in doggy-style? Start today with a pot belly and a doggie-style finish passionate kisses, and a missionary at all yet leave you in peace. Week of similar exercise, and it is not excluded that one day the girl too to expand the boundaries of your consciousness and orders a pizza.
12. Take off your clothes
"I love it when a man is completely computer provide. I like to feel the body hairs on his chest, his muscles, the warmth of her skin. Sex in clothes — it is still standing there it: only in the case of very itchy"
However, when she herself is at this moment dressed in pajamas or a mink cape, to you not necessarily to undress completely.
13. Do something special
"Near me was a man who loved, caressing hands me "there", at the same time putting yourself into the mouth of my index finger and suck it. It was amazing. More so nobody does, which is a shame!"
And you can still start to gently bite the top of her, tickling her toes... the solution Here is not even exactly what you're doing, but in the fact that you do it only you. And the girl a hundred times think before to say goodbye with you. Yes, in her absence you made at home the men's ride with the corrupt women and is not hygienic animals, you nakhamu her mom, you broke her favorite cup... but who else, besides you, it will be great to play with her on the back in the "rails-the rails, sleepers-sleepers"?
14. Vocatus Napoi her
"It's terrible, but when I'm drunk — I like everything my husband does. Normally I'm quite calm. But it me to drink one-two glasses of champagne, as I rotate in a sex-bomb, and I'm doing this is that the next day, I'm ashamed about it remember"
And not with one girl happened such incidents. According to statistical surveys, 80% of women admits that alcohol increases their sensitivity and increasing their ability to orgasm.