Erogenous zones are points on the body, when you touch which creates sexual excitement. These points are created by nature itself. And in the case that the partner does it from the knowledge of his works, then the body starts preparing on the penis the law. On a woman's body is such places much more than the male. About many of these places, we almost don't know anything.
In bad touch of the erotic zone can cause completely opposite effect expectations.
15 main signs of sexual arousal women
- the termination of the call. when a woman reaches the highest point of sexual excitement, her voice is quiet, only answering questions, in addition, is unequivocally "yes" or "no", and then completely stop.
- redness of the face. due to the huge inflow of blood to the head, the whole face of the women, poured the blood, as if it will explode. this is especially noticeable on the flaming face.
- breath. it is becoming frequent and shallow, with occasional deep breaths. a woman is not enough air, because of what the nasal passages dilate, they come into motion and begins to breathe through the mouth.
- the mouth and lips. due to the fact that a woman breathes through the mouth, he her to open. lips dry, and she all the time trying to the tip of the tongue is to moisturize.
- extreme drying of the neck. throat women also dry, so it often hirundo difficile saliva to moisturize it. sometimes for humidifying the neck asks for a glass of water.
- the closed eyes. the woman is concentrated only on the men's caresses, he gets the maximum satisfaction, because with her eyes closed.
- sweating of the body. in the result, pats the man of the female body (back, abdomen, thighs), occurs when the blood superficial blood vessels, which causes, that the body of a woman is sweating.
- shake and strain the body. the body of a woman, which is on top of the desire times, and in some places, especially on the abdomen and thighs, celebrating the jitter – frequent convulsive reduction of small muscles.
- hug with regular strong clenches. a woman impulsively hugs the man, regularly tightly squeezing the hands of some part of his body, sometimes control your nails.
- swelling of the nipples. nipples in women come alive and swell, becoming solid. although it is worth remembering that it may be a permanent phenomenon during the pregnancy.
- swelling of the abdomen. excited woman reflective protruding belly.
- clenching thighs. the woman is no longer able to tolerate and deliver you joy, firmly presses the thigh, so as to provoke the labia and the clitoris.
- the direction of the stroking men on their sex organs. the big desire and impatience of women, forcing her to drive caressing the man on his sexual organs.
- increased secretion from the vagina. at the entrance to the vagina, feel his hydration, and in some women it can be felt, even through the panties – they are wet in the vaginal area.
- the desire to touch the penis to the authorities of men. the highest peak of the desires of a woman is manifested in her desire to touch the penis to the authorities of men and start to pet her.

Of course, not all women can be at the same time present all of these symptoms. but it is believed that if it turned out, more than half, then the woman is fully ready for sex.