Because of this I will give, as usual, skip forward, consider the first characteristic of the signs of pain in women during the excitement. Immediately it is worth to mention, that he has in mind not only the excitement during sexual intercourse – pain may occur, and during masturbation, and only during sexual excitement. So it is a few disease in which there is a woman troubled from the pain, once it is excited.
Ovarian cysts
Cysts on the ovaries – it is education that occur in the form of bags, filled with liquid, and they can burst. It dates back to the tumors. Ovarian cysts can dissolve by itself in 2-3 months, and may require operative or medical intervention.
The nature of the pain
When is sexual intercourse, a woman may feel sharp pain in a pan – left or right. The same pain a woman feels during menstruation, which, as is known, strengthen women increased excitability.
What to do?
Necessarily go through the ULTRASOUND examination of the genital organs, special attention was paid on the ovaries. To verify this is true, whether you have an ovarian cyst, you must consult with a gynecologist and undergo treatment.
Thrush, candidiasis
This disease at least once, but suffered almost every first wife. This means all women at least once were these flour: pain in the vagina, white rashes on his walls, and even the itching of the irritated, at least scream. This is a fungal disease that may not be necessarily transmitted sexually – its causes may be different. During the yeast infection in the vagina of women and on its walls the growth of the fungi Candida, which is why the disease is called and candidiasis.
When candidiasis pain during sexual intercourse is becoming stronger in every fourth women.
The nature of the pain
When the excitement during sex pain in the vagina can grow, and itching, by the way, too. Every touch on the walls of the vagina causing severe pain, discomfort, irritability. If a woman still endures sexual intercourse, her vagina inflammation even more, the pain in the vagina can become just intolerant and put on the area of the ovaries – pain in the lower abdomen. Usually, pain have the character of burning.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and undergo therapy against the thrush. We must necessarily give up the pads with strong scents (fragrant), tight underwear, synthetic underwear, uncontrolled drug – all of these resources can cause thrush in addition to the disease during sex. Before or after sex, you can use the ointment with the hormone cortisol in the composition – it will reduce the inflammation of the vaginal walls and will the pain stay.
Fibroids or uterine fibroids
This formation in the womb in the form of tumors, which doctors consider benign. In this formation are involved in fibroids of the uterus and her fibroids – that is, muscle and connective tissue. This disease takes them into their clutches more than a third of women after 35 years. Fibroids can have dimensions from a pea (small) in fruits like oranges.
The nature of the pain
When a myoma or fibromyom uterus vagina hurts at the very of its entry, as soon as the partner to his touches. There can feel quite dense patches in the form of the bones beneath the skin. Pain may occur, and in the vagina, in the genitals. During sex the pain can get quite a strong character.
They are vibrant, long, cannot be held after sex within a few hours. A woman experiences of these pains, especially if the reason is not clarified! It can even fall into depression, if the time to contact your doctor for a diagnosis.
What to do?
Ask a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis, and also treatment. For a more accurate picture of the disease need ULTRASOUND. As usual, the diagnosis of this disease will reveal the deviations immediately. In the treatment of applying comprehensive therapy, the operation is possible.
It is the inflammation of the nerves, their roots, which are located in the area of the vulva. Causes – infections, which affect the mucosa of the vagina, and is also a common disease of the female genital organs. In particular, fungal infections, for example candidiasis.
The nature of the pain
In vulvodynia a woman may feel pain in lower abdomen during sex, or excitement. Pain worsen, even if the woman just long lying in one position or sitting on a hard surface. Pain is also expanding with the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
These symptoms may also be accompanied by frequent urge to urinate, the pain can give in the lower back, and in the period of menstruation in women can be discharge more abundant, than previously.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough diagnosis. Feature of vulvodynia is that it is very difficult to distinguish from other similar diseases. For example, fungal, or sexually. And therefore, and treat vulvodinamiyu is much harder than other diseases of the female genital organs, which are easily diagnosed.
Bartholinitis – inflammation of Bartholin's glands – organs that resemble peas, and according to the size and shape. They are on the lips of the vagina – on the one pea for every sexual sponge. The reason for the disease – in addition to the inflammation of the glands and their blockage due to the global credit glut toxins and poor blood circulation. It is a hypothetical reason, because the real causes of bartholinitis so far, researchers and doctors couldn't find. It can be, according to their assumptions, pathogens infections such as staphylococci, streptococci and other nasty microbes.
The nature of the pain
When bartholinitis labia women swells, swells, becomes inflamed, and, of course, a woman is experiencing pain during sexual intercourse and up to 5-6 hours after her. It is hard to endure, and so women use analgesics or cause quick help. This pain pulsating character. In addition, when the vault of the vagina to give up to touch the partner, or the woman herself, they may feel under the fingers of the dense part of the body.
What to do?
Ask a gynecologist for examination and treatment. If the stage of the disease is already running, it is likely the patient will offer the surgery, you will need to remove one of the glands – the culprit of the head. Either the two.
This germination of the fabric shell of the uterus (endometrium), in those areas of the body where it should not be. From endometrial growths may suffer from urinary bladder, fallopian tubes, ovaries, wall of the uterus, the rectum. Yes, a little, if in which authorities may germinate the endometrium!
The result of one – pain at the opening, the poor quality of sexual life of a woman. Her period can come and go as they they like which you want frequencies. This is the disease can worsen bleeding from the uterus. Just think – endometriosis is diagnosed in more than a third of women worldwide! This disease is one of the main causes of infertility.
The nature of the pain
Pain when excited can bother any woman, if she has endometriosis. The pains are sharp, cutting, sharp character is such that he's quickly recall. Of course, this is not giving a woman the opportunity to get the complete orgasm, she suffers from the impossibility with a taste for sex.
What to do?
Ask a gynecologist for examination, and, if necessary, if it is a normal integrated therapy doesn't help, prepare for surgery.
Infection infection of the urinary organs

Infection infection of the urinary organs often hit women because the urethra and vagina are anatomically located very close to each other, so the infection will quickly pass a way from the vagina into the urethra and into the bladder. From this sex organs women can inflamed and, as a result – the pain, when it is excited or sexual intercourse.
The nature of the pain
Woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, but it can not be determined. Where exactly. The pain in the infections can be a tourist, unclear, uncertain nature. During sex, this pain can be amplified, become viscous, blunt. However, women may constantly arise the desire to visit the toilet.
What to do?
Not to be confused yeast infection infection of the urinary tract with the common cold and inflammation and not to self-medicate. Upon the occurrence of pain in lower abdomen during sex, be sure to visit a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis. In particular, the data will be urine, for it is easy to calculate that the woman visited the disease-causing viruses and bacteria.
Heal it must not one. In this form of the disease is necessary to undergo treatment and the penis of the partner, a husband.
Vaginal dryness
It is a disease in which in the vagina too little lubrication. It will remain dry, so during sexual intercourse the male member irritating him. Arise pain during sex.
Of vaginal dryness at any period of life can suffer every woman. This flag has touched more than a quarter of women worldwide. The cause may be excessive zeal hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives. Among the causes of vaginal dryness and pain during excitement can be the period of pregnancy, lactation, period of menopause.
The nature of the pain
A disagreeable, sharp, pungent. When during sexual intercourse the member partner or his fingers penetrate into the vagina, it can react a sharp pain. After the sexual act occurred, this pain can leave a woman for another 2-3 hours. Of course, vaginal dryness makes intercourse painful, and cannot therefore be patiently and quietly endure this problem.
What to do?
Ask a gynecologist to prescribe the optimal treatment. If vaginal dryness is caused by hormonal variations, it will be necessary above all to follow up on the hormonal background. If you are at fault – the intake of oral contraceptives, it is necessary to re-evaluate their dosage and indications. If a woman itself is not quickly excited during sex, it is necessary to use a lubricant – a special lubricant for sexual intercourse.
Pain in arousal in men
Men have their own characteristics pain during sexual excitement. And are conditional on the specifics of the male anatomy. When a man is excited, through the 20-40 seconds the blood actively coming to the authorities of the pelvis, the veins constrict and reverse the outflow of blood does not occur. From this the penis begins to grow, to prosper, to increase in length and width.
The function of erection man in the fact that the phallus is in them increases three times. It also becomes longer by 8 cm than in the quiet condition. In translation from Latin "erection" means "increase". In this state, the fascinum need to recharge, a long time in this position cannot stand. When the phallus rubs against the walls of the vagina, the excitement is growing, all the authorities activate their work. If during sexual arousal in man, that something is not right with the sexual organs, may have a severe pain from stress.
What diseases can cause pain in men during the excitement?
First of all, it is a disease of viral nature. Viruses and bacteria can cause inflammation of the genital organs, that are still weak, the vulnerable tissue of overtraining, and it hurts.
It is an inflammatory process in the testes of men. It can occur after a man suffered mumps, the general populace – the guinea pig. The most characteristic symptoms of this disease are high body temperature, the testicle becomes swollen, painful.
The nature of the pain
Pain in the egg may be strong and short either pulls, dull, which passes within a few hours, and even days – the pain can hold up to a week. During sexual intercourse, pain may even not occur, because the pain can be unbearable.
After a week of suffering the pain may retreat, but then come back. The testicle is at this time greatly reduced in size, in such a state it is, and remains, perhaps even to atrophy. Within two months after that, as the disease proceeds, the pain can still go back and not to the person normally to live a sexual life. Semen significantly reduces the amount of – that which produces a sick testicle.
What to do?
First of all, examined by a doctor-urologist. He prescribe a course of treatment and men need to stay under medical supervision for at least two months after the pain during arousal and sexual intercourse will cease to torment him.
This is a painful disease in which the inflamed appendages of the male testes. The scrotum increases in size, and in men, increased temperature to 38 degrees, as well as frequent urge to urinate, which is the Cause of the pathology is usually a viral infection, or fungal disease. The reason for this condition can be a fungal disease or the common cold are viral in nature.
The nature of the pain
When excited by pain in the testicles and the scrotum, is particularly strong. The scrotum becomes much more, the testicles also increase, and the blood, which in excess will come to genital organs during arousal, it is sexual act is simply intolerable. Character of pain – sharp and pungent.
What to do?
You need to immediately consult a doctor-urologist and to pass the course of treatment of antifungal, antiviral drugs. Comprehensive therapy can also include anti-inflammatories. If it is not to think at the same time and left untreated the disease in its initial stage, it can lead to infertility and lack of sex life at all.