Intimate part of a woman's life has a great influence on mood, feelings and even the success of each of us. Like something that previously wasn't too sold that value. Yes, there is "nothing much" — not at all attached! Girls in earlier times were taught to suppress all sexual desire. He said that womanizing, and on top of depravity. And convicted the wrong things by a pretty sad existence. Now everything is different. Now the company realized that a tough woman, is not, and it makes her happier.
Well, no, actually, why men should get pleasure from sex, and then us, as you can see, to do? Nonsense what it is! And if the woman by nature has a weak libido, her what do I do? Teeth clenched, leave the tie? And then to break the anger on the people around you, your feelings, desires, steal. No. What to go against his nature. However, the libido in us fickle. Sometimes in the most inopportune moment it declares that it intends to take a nap.
So I want a sensual, unforgettable sex with your beloved! And what do I do? Yes, everything is simple! Just use the excitatory remedies for women, and everything will be in openwork. It doesn't have to be any special preparations. There are many other ways to achieve a state of extreme excitement.

Food, excitatory women
Natural female aphrodisiac, unlike some irritant preparations may cause some damage. Because it's just food, drinks, infusions, in the composition of which included specific components, the activation of the work of the sex hormones of the woman. Recipes, able to wake up our libido and make it swirl, like christmas, is many. You can choose anything your heart desires. So, to make it tasty, and useful, and effectively, in terms of increasing sexuality. A nice way to get excited, right?
So, what we should eat and drink, to always be yourself and your beloved ones to deliver maximum pleasure?
- Oranges, tangerines, mango, avocado, pomegranates, grapefruits and bananas. These wonderful fruit full of vitamins and "hormone of passion".
- Legumes. In them are contained fitestrogeny – women's pathogens, used for amazing the intima even in ancient India.
- Vanilla. She, too, since ancient times, known for their disturbing sexuality properties.
- Grapes. Grapes contributes to the inflow of blood to the vagina and thus increases the excitability of the woman.
- Chocolate. A wonderful aphrodisiac! In addition, it is a favorite of many girls.
- Red wine. He's also a great aphrodisiac, if they are not addicted.
- Artichoke. Artichoke hot female sexual organs and increases desire.
- Mushrooms. Sucks a lot of zinc, which helps the excitation.
- Eggs. Well, it's an aphrodisiac is unconditional.
- Cabbage – a great tool for rage of passion in women.
- Strawberries. This wonderful berry is able to cause a flare-up of desire and in women and in men.
- Shrimp. Not only shrimp, but other seafood activate the hormones of passion. Especially effective in this regard is the sea kale.
- Cinnamon, coriander, dill, tarragon is a spice, which for centuries used in the erotic cooking for women.
- Med. It is also known for a very long time as a female and a male aphrodisiac.
- Almonds and nutmeg. It is simply miraculous means, which are able to arouse passion in a woman, consider myself frigid.
- Oats. Oatmeal, as we were treating her, in fact, brings female sexuality huge benefits.
- Olive oil. This richly vitamin E, the activation of the reproductive performance and step sursum level of libido in the weaker sex.
- The seeds of the sunflower. Sunflower seeds are also full of vitamin E, so it is appropriate to bark their often.
- Soy. In soy contains large amounts of estrogen.
- Cottage cheese. He, also, oddly enough, strengthens a woman's sexuality.
- Currants. And black and red, it has magical properties, and can awaken passion, even in cold wife.
- Eggs. In any form, which very positively affects on the sexuality of the fairer sex.
- Tomatoes in any form. Yes, such are the usual over the tomatoes too excite female passion!
- Clarified butter. Increases the sensuality of the beautiful sex and forcing him to become more erotic.
Generally this is not a complete list of products that are able to get in any young lady to awaken the volcano of passion. But what is in the list, it's quite enough, how to assemble a good diet of erotic power. And if supplement is the plants-an aphrodisiac, it's an awesome night with your boyfriend or husband we are almost secured.
Plants for the female excitement
What plants help girls conflagration? It is, in the first place, jasmine and ylang-ylang, the fragrance of which is able to literally in a few minutes zadurmanit a woman's head. Approximately the same properties has geranium, hollyhock and melissa – lemon mint. Activates the "hormones of passion" pot oregano. Improve the production of female sex hormones, licorice root, aralia and flaxseed, in the composition of which many phytoestrogens and vitamin Ie.
A large amount of phytoestrogens keep and in the hops, which is quite a powerful female aphrodisiac. Nice excites the weak half of mankind aloe, which is to be applied with honey. Aloe vera and arnica increase the flow of blood to the organs of small pelvis. Than and contribute to the emergence of sexual desire. A remarkable activator of feminine passion is tea tree oil. And finally, it is just a stunning effect excitability has a pink oil.
All these natural aphrodisiacs influence on female sexuality in varying degrees. Some of them are interesting enough quickly. And some effect on our libido slowly but hard. One way or another, to have in your house you need. And you won't circumvent when it attention! After all it is these miraculous gifts of nature are able to do in the night of love divine. Such that remember, with the internal cupido, dreaming to repeat again and again.