Careful and attentive attitude of the women towards their health allow you to avoid many problems, warn of the serious and insignificant faults in their initial phase of development. Notification of changes to a woman's health can be according to the nature of assigned mucus from the genital organs, so how exactly phlegm is an indicator of the pathological changes and the cause of the visit to the gynecologist.

Types of mucus discharge in women
Mucus from the vagina is inherent in all. It is a characteristic feature of the organism of the woman. As usual, the mucus of a different kind from the vagina – standard and has an explainable origin.
Normal discharge have these symptoms:
- They may have, it is transparent, white or red color;
- Does not cause redness, itching or burning sensation;
- They are odorless;
- Have a small amount;
- Pass without symptoms – no temperature, pain and discomfort.
It should be noted that the norm – that is, when a small amount of. Excessive excretion should be a wake-up call for women.
The mucous membrane is a liquid in general – is a sign of normal operation pendants women. This is a standard indicator for all age range.
From 1. months of life, for each member of the weak half of humanity occur mucus discharge, which are caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, mucus – tail phenomenon of the destruction of the maternal hormones.
To the maturation of their own sex hormones, mucus coming up again – most often in the period pubertatem.
As usual, sputum production drops in the period of the year before the start of menstruation. To 8-mi years of the mucus similar to the rice decoction with a sour smell.
Once the menstrual cycle starts to install, the discharge becomes eventurum, their appearance changes. In the first half of the cycle, the mucus, as usual, reasonable, and this is the reason for the second stage, his consistency is increasing.
Taken to share a selection depending on their type:
- White. The causes of their occurrence can be vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Watching their appearance while taking oral contraceptives, during the stagnation in the pelvic area, in violation of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as in the sedentary lifestyle;
- Transparent. Depends on the amount of hormones in the body, and even from the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their existence says about the work of the ovaries. Part of these selections include fragments of cells and transudate lymphatic circulation, and also microorganisms, the mucus of the cervical canal and the remnants of the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;.
- Slimy. As the discharge is not a pathology, to have the color of the fur and odors. In the opposite case you must make a comprehensive analysis and to consult with a general practitioner;
- Watery.
During normal development, discharge that do not require intervention by an expert may be:
- Meager, in the form of a cream or jelly substance. Own the second phase of the cycle;
- Transparent discharge, is own stage before ovulation;
- Mucus with bloody striped – own period after ovulation.
- Creamy slimy clumps – own before menstruation;
- White precipitate – when using oral contraceptives;
- Pink ichor – lochia, own during the postpartum period;
- Creamy discharge during unprotected sexual intercourse or when using a condom. Like discharge odorless and do not cause itching.
Discharge in the form of mucus in women: causes
The reasons for the occurrence of bleeding can be many. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish selection on the memory of their consistency, as well as depending on the fragrance and color. So decided to distinguish between:
- Bloody. Precede menstruation. However, they can be a sign of the development of erosion or cervical cancer. Can be observed in the adenomiose, or in violation of the menstrual cycle. Sudden discharge with blood, may be a harbinger of a miscarriage in the early period, in the development of ectopic pregnancy;
- Foam thick cheesy selection may indicate the presence of infection;
- Discharge from the the smell, indicative of the development of pathogenic microbes, beginners, before they decompose in the body. This is due to the decomposition process nutrients are released gases, forming an unpleasant odor;
- Slime or grease, before or after sex. As usual, when excited, the glands on the eve of the vagina develops in the active mode of lubrication is the norm. If discharge after intercourse have a smell (the next day) – it can be the cleansing of the organism from the semen, when the unprotected act. But the presence of such mucus blood veins may be evidence of the presence of erosion of the cervix. Upon the occurrence of the white , green, or yellow discharge after sexual intercourse for a period of up to one week after sex – it is evidence of development of infection.
You also need to know that the mucus – it is the rate, when:
- the first sexual intercourse;
- when you change sexual partner;
- when stopping before the sexual contact, as well as during unprotected sexual intercourse.
Can perform beli:
- in the presence of a foreign object into the vagina;
- in developed diabetes;
- in the development of polyps;
- in the presence of other benign formation in the womb;
- in the development of a malignant process in the masterbatch of the cavity.
It is noteworthy that the cancer process in the uterus takes place under transparent and watery discharge. While such a discharge with an unpleasant odor, with a small admixture of blood.
Pain the endometrium, and also the mucous membrane of the cervix may develop a mucus discharge of liquid, watery consistency. In this area you will be dirty.
Why perform abundant clumps of mucus in women
Mucus is produced in the vagina a special gland. As usual, this production has a specific smell. Depending on the hormonal background and work of the ovaries, as well as the menstrual cycle is different and the consistency of the secretions and their character.
Abundant clusters of mucus – a cause for concern, because it is a fact that confirms the presence in the vagina of different types of microorganisms. In parallel with the release of clots, you may experience pain, burning or itching.
Confirmed by many studies that the penetration of conditionally-pathogenic microorganisms in the microflora of a woman's vagina is expressed by the presence of a selection of widely mucus. These micro-organisms are prone to rapid reproduction, respectively, with each passing day the feelings may vary.
Relatively frequent "guests" are coming:
- Mushrooms of a series of candida;
- gardnerelly.
Their presence entails the development of thrush and dysbiosis.
What to do when the secretion is mucus in women
It is very important to be attentive to their health and pay attention to every detail. Upon detection of any of the selections, which differ from the norm, you should turn to a specialist. In particular, if the formation of such a discharge accompanied by symptomatology.

Treatment and prevention of
Therapy abundant secretions and mucus from the vagina includes a visit to the gynecologist, who, leaning on the tests carried out, will put the diagnosis.
Self-treatment is usually to the good results does not, because it doesn't have the complexity and systematic. Most often, such an irresponsible approach is leading to a deterioration of health, as well as the development of many complications.
In the treatment of infections most commonly involve the following activities:
- Douching. While using the appropriate products or herbal teas;
- The use of special baths;
- Intake of oral drugs, the effect of which is designed to remove pathogenic micro-organisms;
- The application of suppositories vaginally.
Examination by a gynecologist involves checking on the four degrees of purity:
- The first stage involves checking for the presence of pathogens, the reaction should be acidic, its occurrence in the vagina lactobacillus, in the absence of pathogens;
- In the second stage, the number of white blood cells should be no more than 10 in this context should be demoted indicators for lactobacilli. Present activators for this reaction is acidic.
First and second degree – a sign of the health of the woman, confirmed the lack of disease.
The following two degree – pathology:
- At this stage, the environment becomes alkaline, and may be detected India-conditioned pathogens, the level of white blood cells updated;
- The fourth level characterizes the amount of leukocytes, activators. Sticks Dederleyna and Lactobacillus completely absent.
Timely appeal to the specialist will allow to stop the disease in the initial stage, and it means getting rid of sexual organs from inflammation in a short period.
Typically, timely and competent treatment reduces the allocated phlegm, but also removes the unpleasant symptoms.
Reasonable mucus, granted from the genital organs of women – the norm and part of the physiological process in the body.
The increase in its quantity, change its consistency and smell – a reason of concern, which require consultation with a specialist. The first signs of pathology must necessarily be examined by a doctor-a gynecologist.
It is important to be mindful of the health and minimise the ingress of microorganisms into the genital organs – adhere to the basic rules of personal hygiene, systematically visit the gynecologist, look for a variety of pathology in the early stages. Held, if necessary, systematic courses of therapy.