The cycle of sexual response of a person has different phases: sexual attraction, sexual arousal, orgasm, and ends the phase of authorisation.

Sex drive (libido) is dependent on the work of glands with internal secretion and metabolism. Also sexual attraction depend on the brain (the cortex and the subcortical layers) and the sexual centers of the spinal cord. All the sexual center with each other and constitute a single system.
The degree of excitability of the sexual centers and the libido in an adult human is set depending on the level of hormones.
Libido (sex drive) depends on the innate characteristics of a person, associated with anthropology: the dark hair attractiveness stronger than that of blondes, the undersized more intense than in high; a complete women for sexual satisfaction, require less effort and caresses, than the evil; for southerners a sexual appetite stronger than the normans.
Difference sexual arousal in women and men
In men and women also differ sexual excitability. In men sexual arousal is much higher than that of women.
If a man has the excitement grows fast, there an erection and after an orgasm and ejaculation arousal and the erection disappears completely, then the woman to increase the excitement — the process is quite lengthy, requiring stroking by a partner. And after the orgasm the excitement also slowly fades.
However, in the event, that for women an orgasm not appeared, it is the outflow of blood from the genital organs is happening very slowly, over hours and even longer. Lack of orgasm may occur due to insufficient stimulation of the erogenous zones or too quick shag. Then in a woman is lacking sexual satisfaction, no sexual discharge. This leads to the fact that women appear pain in lower back, pain and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. When you slow the outflow of blood occurs stagnation of serum and blood in the pelvic organs, develop inflammatory processes, painful menstruation and bewley (discharge from vagina).
Lack of orgasm is a very detrimental effect on the health of women, because in the absence of relaxation after strong excitement in women occurs the status of the frustration — on the ground fell nervous tension with a feeling of discontent and emotional reactions.
When excessive excitability of the sexual center in men ejaculation occurs very quickly. It is called humilis recipis in men. If men lack of erection or weak erection of the penis, then such a phenomenon is called impotence.
Sensuality is for women and men evolves differently.
For most women, the sexual appetite develops to 25-28, sometimes to 30 years. After 45-50 years of sexy sexiness decreases. In menopause sexual attraction may deteriorate, but after the end of menopause disappear. For some women it takes up to 60 years and longer.

For men as well, everything happens otherwise. To 25 years is needed in the sexual life for them is much higher than in women. Sexual attraction reaches to 28-30 years, then begins to gradually decline.
When the age of men is approaching the"wilting", his sex life is often activated. It's happening rather for reasons of a psychological nature the fear before impending old age.
Reduction of lorem potency case is not in all men. Some maintain sexual potency into old age.
The mismatch in the period of greatest sexual sensitivity and ignorance of these nuances can lead to a TIFF spouses.
Sexual satisfaction of one partner largely depends on the other partner. Sexual intercourse— this is the only pair physiological act of man. So if partners in sex, or a married couple want to maintain a relationship for the long haul, it must be with understanding and patience to treat each other, how is it possible to expose erogenous zones with a partner, and if a man has an erection, not too long, then the longer the stimulation of the female partner before intercourse. Most often in women such erogenous part is the clitoris.