Many girls don't know what zones are erogenous and what delights they are able to their body. The purpose of men: through touch, kissing and cuddling find a place of female excitement, her unforgettable pleasure.
The mysteries of the female body

"The female body — it is a dark mysterious continent," wrote Sigmund Freud. Body of every girl is unique, as is the pattern of the snowflakes.
To any person need a separate approach, because for each the ladies have their own secret excitatory space.
If you have ever been interested in the question of how to deliver the favorite maximum pleasure, let's take a look at the diagram of the action with the female body.
Learn the female erogenous zones can be, but without the practice to understand their device cannot be:
Each girl has her own card body and a caress for each of the sensitive sites need to be different.
If you want to succeed in a loving caress with the girls, it is better to find out before intercourse, what pleases a partner. And during sex, watch her reactions, because the erogenous places for each of the girls unique. And soon you learn why.
Natural factors
Say exactly, where are the erogenous zones in women, it is possible, but with an error. Just depending on the situation and the external environment in girls may one erogenous zone is to be active, and the second — no. Here are the factors that affect them:
From this, in what situation are girls, what emotions they experience at any given moment, it depends, where are the erogenous zones are the most active. In an intimate environment bring her some petting, in a crowded place it feels different and can get excited from it all.
The reason why most of the women prefer sex in a pleasant environment. Their weak zone on the body, depending on the situation, changing their sensitivity.
There where does not work one point, it triggers the second, and desire to experience new feelings forcing girls dream on the subject of sex.
For example, many girls are able to experience an orgasm on the cycle path the chair.
The smell
Pleasant smell extent affect comfort on a date. The pleasant scent relaxes the girls. I recommend for the bedroom buy chocolate candles or indian sticks.
Some will allow you to relax. But women are different and not everyone likes the smell. What works well with one, the other is able to cause a feeling of rejection. A girl can tell about it, but one can understand the behavior.
For example, girls love the men's fragrance, but the artificial smell of home like everyone.
Many girls love to have sex with the music. It will provoke. But it is too loud noise causes loss of sensitivity, while the gentle whispering of the ear may make her wet. Talk with her foreplay, not shut up.
Appearance — not the main thing in a man. But the ladies do not like untidy, sloppy guys. You need to respect yourself and follow behind. How will he loves you, if you don't like yourself?
If we take into account the clothes on a woman's body, then you touch the specific points through the delicate fabric they are able to create an erotic effect. For example, when the touch of her nipples or between her legs, not penetrating inside.
The touch through the fabric must be stronger, to be able to feel.
Where are the erogenous places for girls
Now we come to the moment when it is worth to say about the arrangement of the main erogenous zones. Are all of the girls, but to each their own. To each point are the need for certain knowledge and access. The first and most obvious area that erogenous, that is...
This is one of the most accessible erogenous female zones. Women are incredibly sensitive to caress. Unlike men, it is possible to bring a girl to orgasm just one kiss.
For each of the girls is a list of the best of lovers and the kisses very important. If you donate magical kisses they will remember forever.
From that depends whether they will agree on a more intimate closeness.
Kiss a girl should be as follows:
Completely relax the lips. Let them hang. Kiss very slowly and long. 5 times longer and nicer than you're capable of. The focus on the lips, not to go tongue in his mouth.
When you have sex, you can shove a girl into the mouth of the finger. The sucking reflex is familiar with the childhood, but most of the girls brings the excitement during sexual intercourse.
The neck and the back of the head

These zones are very erogenous. Most men don't know that the rear side of the female neck – a strong exciting area.
When the man gently and tenderly hugged the back of the neck (under the head), she feels that it controls.
Kisses in the neck must learn to do. Thin skin is sensitive. Girls dislike 4 things:
- Hickey
- Bruises
- Painful bite
- Drool
So whether it is gentle. Some like side, someone in the back, another in front. Kiss her slowly, until you fail to hit. Some girls are able to get an orgasm from that.
So don't worry to look for, because if you find, a nice surprise awaits.
Biting and sucking is a need to carefully and gently to the skin is not hurt: wild bite the teeth the barrels of her neck for kissing.
Don't do it dramatically. If she's ticklish, take a break. You can also work your tongue and lightly lick your neck. Some girls may like it, it's a harmless activity, but for each their feelings. The main thing – do not give me worms.
Women love the ears. Men know that a woman can whisper cute things, but that's not all. Female erogenous zone in the area of the ears are outside the field of view.
- The area behind the ears
On it can be carried out slowly fingers from the top down, but the girl can be ticklish because it's a sensitive place.
- Ear lobes
It is possible to lightly vacuuming (without saliva) and very gently nibble. Girls — fragile creatures. If not calculate the strength, can be unpleasant consequences. Don't be afraid to suck the ear partner. It is able to bring her to ecstasy.
- Pinna
5% of all women can have an orgasm just by listening to the whispering of the partner. It is known to us that women love with their ears, and not shut up during sex. Ears — erogenous points women, which are able to excite her and to experience orgasm.
Erogenous zones in girls there are and on the hands:
- The inner side of the elbow of the bend — a special place to women.
It is necessary to gently and very slowly stroke it. It is possible to in crowded places.
- The inner side of the palm
I remember, one girl is massaging the palms of your hands, that I ofigel. She did massage, took my palm of the left hand and do massage in circular movements with the thumb of the right hand.
Slowly and heavily with circular motions (on the palms of the hands the thick skin). Pay attention to the shape of his reactions. In the area between the phalanges of the fingers is also able to brings pleasure.
- Wrist
Open the wrist of the hand — signal that is a woman to you.
Again, how can you slower, but it is not connected to the efforts. Here lived a lot and very thin skin. Come on its outer side fingers, moving to her body.
Men love to crumple the tits and I don't know how to handle it. And because breasts are an important erogenous zones of the female body. For someone — the most sensitive.
I just want to say rule number 1:
Breasts cannot strongly compress, crumple up, spank and beat. They are very sensitive and the girls hurt.
Breast is it possible to kissing, lightly sucking, follow the circular movements of the tongue and touch your toes.
It is necessary to understand, what gets more pleasure to your partner. Some girls have more joy in the upper chest, while others — in the lower part.
One of the two breasts more sensitive
From the foreplay the most sensitive is able to ejaculate. Tease her, kissing the breasts without touching the nipples. The game begins with her.
Nipples — another important special place. Here will suit gentle biting, sucking, circular motion of the tongue. On what pleases your lady more.
Sometimes even the breasts of small size, may be more sensitive to the oral caress, than the fourth dimension.
If she's ticklish, ask where and how it is worth it to do better, make her feel more comfortable.
The clitoris
This erogenous area has the largest amount of nerve endings. With her can do wonders, enjoyable favorite, but that 95% of men can't!
I'll tell you how to avoid mistakes.
Definitely ask us how to make a girl better. That she feels that she loves them. It is likely that no one orgasm is not furnished, not to mention the vaginal or G-spot.
The clitoris can be and masturbate and administered orally satisfy. For each women its threshold of sensitivity.
If a girl doesn't want a licking, there are 3 reasons:
- Her offended guy / other trauma
- Monthly
- Not going to shower
1 case — this is a long conversation that necessarily one has to spend, to find out what is with her and help cope with the problem.
2 — don't push, and accept that it doesn't want to do it.
3 — an allusion to the hairdryer.
Orgasm of the dough is able to deliver great pleasure. This is a higher art of oral foreplay, so the technique should handle more.
So, how to properly do the licking:
There are a huge number of techniques. It's not worth it to immediately lash out at the clitoris. Be patient:
Gentle kisses, starting from the navel, very slowly to get down. No you go around the party the rest of the genital area. Kiss on the tummy, inner thighs, you can bite them, it's nice.
Licking — a skill that requires practice. She is devoted to a separate article.
If shortly, then start with the kissing the vaginal lips. Do not forget to touch a partner during the dough not only language, but also with his hands over his body. You can touch his legs, tummy, chest, take his hand. It brings a double pleasure.

Spreading her labia to the side, one hand and speaking a language completely on her clitoris, to be in the middle. Remember to lick the ice cream. Not knocking the language, and is not sui language inside the vagina. Start very slowly to write the Latin alphabet, and don't mind when it starts to make sounds.
Repeat that movement, which brings joy.
Listen to the words of the girls, she will lead them in the right direction.
The clitoris can suck, but don't do intensely. Language — it is the universal tool that it is important to learn.
For excitement the clitoris will suit the tip of your nose and fingers:
Holding the labia with the left hand and pleasing the clitoris language, the right hand insert 1-2 fingers into the vagina and stimulate the point. It's not easy at first, but you can learn unreal cool please the erogenous zones of the partner.
Do an eskimo kiss — three noses on the clitoris, and don't forget to gently stroking the labia, partner.
If the perfection of the mastery of cunnilingus, then a woman, many times to think before to say goodbye.
Erogenous places in the surroundings of the vagina
One of the most sensitive erogenous spots with the girls. Vaginal sex is traditional. However, there is a nuance. You know that the erogenous zones of the vagina the numbers?
How to properly work a member inside a woman, plays a big role. Erogenous zones of the vagina are located on each level, and each of the girls brings joy to some of them.
An important role is played, in what position you have sex. How to work member inside the vagina, also has the meaning of:
Sometimes it is necessary to enter shallow, and sometimes a little far, but without causing pain.
No need to chisel her own authorities:
High speed and rigidity is not as important as it seems, and it can bring pain
The most sensitive place is located inside of the upper wall. Put under the lower back cushion when the back. It changes the angle of penetration and the penis will drive the most sensitive area of entertainment. Sometimes it's the pace and fuck her very slowly, the introduction and pulling on the full length of the penis, teasing the girl.
Anal erogenous zones
Erogenous zones on a woman's body are not only in front but also the back.
Here they play the role of 4 things:
- Comfort
- Weakness
- Time to prepare
- Hygiene
Wash before anal sex is necessary. I'm sure stocks lubricated, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Relax her to do everything very quickly. First developed a hole with your finger. Enter the member very slowly and gently. Do gentle, progressive movement. After a time, will go active and start to have fun.
When anal sex stimulate the female erogenous zones of the vagina. You can simply insert a finger during sex. Some just love it, some hate. From anal sex, a girl can ejaculate faster than vaginal.
Female feet – the center of attraction of male attention and important special place. The bottom most sensitive part of the foot and fingers on his feet.
You can gently touch their toes or suck. Kiss legs lips. It can give a stronger effect, than licking. Get to know what she likes in sex.
Top to the most sensitive underside of the location – the inside of your thighs. It can be nibble, gently stroking or lightly compress. Go to the area of the hips, at the very end, that it excited gradually.
Do everything slowly and without haste. Gently, gently bite her hips, approaching the vagina.
How to learn, how to accurately determine the most erogenous zones in girls
Find out where the girl's erogenous zones, it is necessary to approach with her and explore her body. It is likely that you'll find those erogenous places, that he has no idea. Reaction of the mistresses at the touches and kisses he gives to understand, in what direction you shift.
Women are different, and each is important to a specific approach. Now you know the main "lever" the pleasure of the female body. Don't forget about them in sexual experiments.