Libido – it is the presence of sexual desire, the desire for intimate relationships. It is the nature given man a gift for harmonious relationships, for the more pleasure of the intimacy, for a complete happiness in family life. When the sex drive no, proximity ceases to give joy and pleasure, and the relationship between a man and a woman fade and become painful. Not always on it has subjective causes.
Disorders of the female libido is happening in many cases because of health problems.
In the first place it is necessary to find out the causes of the weakening of the libido. For many couples the sex will come to the fulfillment of marital duties. No excitement, emotional discharge, and intimate relationships are simply a habit, a physiological manifestation.

Causes of weak sexual desire:
- Women are more constricted in bed than men. They are not always talking about their wishes and preferences in sex. If something does not suit a woman in intimate relations with the beloved person, is likely, silent, afraid to be labeled as immodest. Gradually an intimate relationship, they cease to please her, and she will lose interest in them. Her libido is fading.
- Why is the attraction? Sex brings joy and satisfaction, when a man is full of strength and health, as this act requires considerable physical strength, especially on the part of men. And when a man has health, is full of sexual activities from him wait. This means that the problems in the intimate area may occur due to illness.
- Statistics show that a third of women do not know what is orgasm. But once tasted the physiological discharge together with emotional euphoria, the woman, every one will be waiting.
- The intake of hormonal contraceptives reduces the level of hormones, the ovaries at rest, sexual desire and hunger not.
- Level of sexual excitement depends on the relationship to the partner, from the emotional background of these relations.
- Weak physical form of women reduces all its vital functions. For the activity, it is necessary to maintain muscle tone, flexibility and strength. For women is very useful, oriental dance, yoga, aerobics. These kinds of activities contribute to blood inflow to bodies of a small pelvis, support the good form of the genital organs.
- If a woman truly healthy, a temporary reduction in libido is a defensive reaction from the late pregnancy. Nature itself will determine the time, and wake up in a woman of her feminine principle. For example, after childbirth or severe illness, the body needs time to recover.
- Important and time, selected for sexual intercourse. Woman should be rested.
- It is necessary to maintain the level of sex hormones in the body. Have an impact on the level of sexuality.
- Libido individually for each woman. And does not make sense from him to demand more than nature gave.
The beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman is characterized by high heat sexual appetites. Why, over time, the relationship loses its brightness? Later, when they move in a stable phase, then and the sex becomes calmer and less often. They set a harmonious and stable relationship. If they are satisfied both partners, then there is cause for concern arises. If "cool" woman, it is the partner perceives it as their own failure, and it affects his self-love.
The symptoms of low libido in women
Clinical signs is insufficient moisture in the vagina. In the act of penetration happens spasms of the muscles of the vagina, the act itself – painful and unpleasant. Completely missing an orgasm and no prerequisites to it. Woman refuses to have sex, he avoids communication with a partner.
The reasons for reduction in female libido
The causes can be divided into physiological and psychological.
Physiological reasons:
- For the sexual appetite is responsible male hormone, testosterone. If it decreases the level of its content, weakens the libido. This process is in these days has a tendency to rejuvenate. Unfortunately, often occurred to the hormonal imbalance is already for 30 years.
- Age-related changes in the body of a woman also have an effect on her sexuality. This is done in anticipation of and during menopause. The activity of the ovaries is reduced to zero, they produce estrogen, the vagina to become dry. The sexual act brings unpleasant feelings. Women just refuse to have sex. And on the emotional side of life it does not affect. Woman lives fully and positively.
- Diseases, including gynecological are the cause of the failure of intimate relationships. Especially at an older age, they accumulate a lot of health problems. It is a disease of the heart and blood vessels, which bring the physical weakness of the organism, diseases of internal organs, inflammation of the urinary system, diabetes. During pregnancy a woman is also avoiding an intimate relationship.
- Harmful habits – smoking, alcohol consumption destroys the internal organs and nervous system and lead to severe diseases, interfere with full sexual life. You get used to the delights of drinking alcohol and smoked cigarettes.
- Vaginismus – spasms of the vaginal muscles. The cause may be emotional stress, experiences of violence.
- Infectious diseases of the genital organs.
Psychological causes
- Neurosis, stress, overwork.
- Unpleasant environment for intimate, complex relationships and lack of mutual understanding with a partner, dictation of men in intimate relationships.
- A puritan education, religious barriers, of the complexes.
- Lack of sexual education of young women. If it is not as reliable adequately obtulit information about the first sexual intercourse, about a possible pregnancy and methods of contraception, the girl can feel the comfort and to receive and give joy.
- After pregnancy and childbirth a woman switches to the care of the care and the sex drive wanes.

Treatment lack of female sex drive
How to cure sexual disorders, you need to get rid of the causes of their formation. If it's a disease, it is necessary to start to treat it. If it is disrupted hormonal background, then you need to take hormonal drugs. And restore the levels of testosterone not only gives the sexy rise. Provides physical activity, good mood, cheerfulness. Treatment of female "coolness" — a complex of measures. This medicine, therapeutic physical training, healthy food, psychological help, may be, even change of place and lifestyle.
The treatment will be faster and more efficient with the support and participation of the partner. Mutual understanding and warm relationships help you achieve success in treatment.
For the treatment of emotional aspects of applied psychotherapy, antidepressants.
Treatment treatment sometimes gives negative consequences, which are inevitable with hormonal therapy. It is the emergence of extra pounds, unwanted hair growth, stasis of the milk and mammary glands, discharge from the vagina, rashes on the skin. Often intake of drugs comitantur headaches, poor sleep, nervous condition.
Treatment nutrition
But do not turn in the list of the pleasure of delicious rich food. Diet, on the contrary, it should be light and warming. There are a number of products that contribute to the awakening of sensuality.
Products – an aphrodisiac:
- Seafood – salmon, oysters, halibut.
- Dark chocolate, bananas, avocado, mango, figs, nuts, liver, eggs stimulate the production of protestaron.
- Treatment of burning of the spices. It — peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, anise, turmeric and horseradish.
Folk medicine has extensive experience in the return of women to their sexuality. Decoctions and tinctures of ginseng, damiana, aloe, celery acts as a powerful stimulant of sexual desire. Their use in the preparation of dishes for a romantic dinner.
Be proud of your body!
If you want to be able to do this, follow behind. Being overweight makes a woman confident in herself. Losing physical fitness, flexibility and grace. Of course, not everyone can be underwear models, but to the best of their forces is the need to strive to perfect yourself weight, have good physical condition, watch face, skin, wardrobe. All of the above requires a great deal of work from the women and a lot of time. If not splurge on yourself, attractive appearance in women not. As well, which means, to feel it will be ugly, defective, certainty.
Good form and liveliness gives regular swimming, light running in the fresh air, half an hour hiking a brave step, access to the gym, to yoga. Pay special attention to the muscles of the intimate zone. The exercises can be found on the internet and regularly do, training your body.
New intimate relationship
Help you experience greater pleasure from sex is a long prelude, during which a woman enjoys the gentle touches, gradually prepared to the penis of the law. You cannot be ashamed to talk about their feelings, wishes of his beloved. He will be grateful for the tip. Woman is more emotional and prone to imagination. No need to worry about variety in the sexual relationship. The more, if it's a long marital relations. Use sometimes sex toys. For increasing desire there are intimate gels – lubricants.
At the end of each working schedule, remember the main thing – your family, your relationship with a loved one. A woman cannot refuse a man in an intimate caress. Sex should be regular.
Today we will discuss about the desire of women, and even not just wishes and sexual desires of women, but rather the lack of sexual desire in women, and the possible reasons for this condition.
We will touch topics: why suddenly lost sexual desire and what to do with it, how she returns the sexual desire a way out of the problems, lack of sexual desire reasons.
Why can occur a problem with attraction in women?
As already mentioned, all of the causes that lead to the weakening of the desires of sexual intimacy, can be divided into two groups — physiological factors and psychological:
- Decrease in sexual desire due to hormones.The physiological factor of reduction of sexual desire in women — hormonal imbalance in a woman's body .For libido in both men and women and is responsible male sex hormone – testosterone. Unfortunately, in recent times there is a tendency to its reduction of previously established standards, i.e., earlier than 30 years. Also in the reduction of sexual desire in women (but also for men too), may be to blame is a hormone – prolactin. In women is the weakening of the libido are observed in the postpartum period, when breastfeeding.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to age. The physiological factor of reduction of sexual desire in women — age-related changes in women. The extinction or complete absence of sexual desire in women occurred in the eligibility (climacteric) and menopausalis age. It is known that in these periods of life the function of the ovaries begins to fade, which manifests itself in small the production of estrogen.The sexual act becomes uncomfortable, and even painful, that is associated with a decrease in the production of lubricants in the vagina. Many women in this age completely refuse to sex life, and do not have the experience for this reason, any psychological and physical discomfort.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to illness. The physiological factor of reduction of sexual desire in women — the existence of common and/or gynecological diseases. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology and urine, excretory systems, inflammatory diseases of organs of small pelvis and the other often are the cause of sexual coldness in women.
- The decline in libido as a result of bad habits. The physiological factor of reduction of sexual desire in women — a variety of bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction suppress sexual appetite. Bad habits inhibit nerve impulses in that section of the brain that is responsible for sexual desire and excitement. On first place comes the joy of the listed dependencies.
- A reduction in sex drive due to seizures.The physiological factor of reduction of sexual desire in women — vaginismus. Vaginismus is involuntary spastic muscle contractions of the vagina, which is very painful and it's not only for women but also for men (in sexual intercourse). The cause of vaginismus may be the experience of sexual violence, sexual harassment and the like.
- Decrease in sexual desire due to infection. Physiological factor lack of sexual desire — the various sexual infections. It is known that venereal infections are the cause of discomfort in the area of external genital organs and vagina. Sexual contact against the backdrop of significant colpitis not only uncomfortable, but also very painful, it is also the reason of what is happening, lack of sexual desire in women.
- Decrease in sexual desire because of psychological reasons. Psychological causes of decreased sexual desire in women are very diverse. It can be chronic stress, fatigue, disturbance in relationship with a partner, fight with him, inappropriate environment, the unwillingness of the partner to take into account the needs and preferences of the women and many more.

In addition, decrease in libido and in women may be associated with a religious upbringing, in deterius complexu or any upheaval in the sexual life.
Often the partner does not want to reckon with the desires and abilities of women, does not take into account and that, in addition to his major work, she must deal with the domestic work, raise children, cook lunch and dinner. One of the reasons for a reduction or lack of libido in young women's inexperience and the fear of unwanted pregnancy.