Only a few women know, what can and should be a normal discharge from the vagina, and when there is a discharge from the vagina she talks about the disease.

Discharge from the vagina may be varied according to the colors (red, bloody, brown, gray, black, whitish, green, yellow, pink), consistency (jelly-like of the the cheesy, foam) with the smell and odorless. Discharge from the vagina may be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain), or may be the only symptom of the disease. In this article we describe the most common types of discharge from the vagina, and we describe methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which are accompanied by secretions. Also, in this article we will tell you about the problem of vaginal discharge in pregnant women.
In healthy women a vaginal discharge consisting of mucus, which is produced by glands in the cervix. A small, but constant discharge from the vagina contribute to the regeneration of the genital tract of women and prevents the development of infection.
Normal discharge from the vagina slim, slimy, can be a little insecure because of the dirt of the cells of the epithelium of the vagina, if in the course of the day use same day seal — spout on it can be a slightly yellowish color. The character and amount of discharge from the vagina, depends on the day of the menstrual cycle: in the middle of the cycle, when approaching ovulation, vaginal discharge are similar in consistency to egg white, discharge more abundant than usual, more alkaline. Increases the amount of discharge from the vagina during sexual excitement, and especially during sexual intercourse. Normal discharge will not cause the unpleasant sensations do not cause discomfort: itching, burning and irritation of the genital organs. If you fold the piece in normal secretions, then there will be an increased amount of white blood cells, and from plants will prevail sticks.
The smell of fresh discharge from the vagina is virtually absent, discharge, odor will appear in the cellular reproduction of bacteria in them.
- Transparent stretching, slimy discharge, like egg white, more abundant — in the middle of the cycle, in the period just before ovulation — the norm.
- Creamy thin discharge — the second half of the cycle — the norm.
- Creamy discharge — the last days of the cycle — the norm.
- Transparent, white or slightly yellowish discharge grapes — in the first hours after unprotected intercourse, when the semen gets into the vagina — the norm.
- Abundant liquid discharge of white color, the next morning after the unprotected intercourse — standard.
- Creamy white thin discharge after sex with a condom or without ejaculation in the vagina — vaginal lubricant — standard.
- Scarlet red spotting, had taken root — the beginning of menstruation, the first day of the — norm.
- Discharge with blood — scarlet blood veins in the middle of the cycle (between one month's salary) — it happens in the near future after ovulation at mid-cycle — a variant of the norm.
- Liquid off-white, bright, accent, similar to milk, it is during pregnancy, usually increases with the increase of time — the norm, if not irritating the external sexual organs and have no odor.
Discharge before monthly salary
The condition of the plant and secretion of the vagina, depends on the hormonal changes during the different phases of the cycle, so that the color and consistency of discharge can vary from a monthly salary, discharge may become more insecure, yellowish color, or white and more abundant (feel, constant humidity), more viscous. But in the conservation of these secretions and after menstruation, especially if these symptoms are connects itching of the vagina or pain in the lower abdomen need to find a doctor, gynecologist.
Brown discharge before monthly salary — this is the discharge with an admixture of blood. Spotting is normal may occur for a day or two before the start of heavy menstrual bleeding. If blurring the selection of the preceding month for more than 2 days, and either brown, pink, reddish-brown discharge appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle — this is most likely indicative of the disease.
Brown discharge before monthly salary can signal: hormonal disorders, presence of any infection (especially when endometritis — inflammation of endometrium), diseases of Hematology character. Very often such phenomena accompany endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps. In particular, the brown discharge before monthly salary in combination with other symptoms (pain during menstruation, lasting more than 7 days abundant spotting of the grapes) are the symptoms of endometriosis.
Brown discharge in the middle of the cycle may be a sign of progesterone kidney or polycystic ovarian disease cause infertility and require treatment. Too heavy bleeding during menstruation — it is Necessary an ULTRASOUND examination to assess the condition of the internal genital organs. Similar bleeding can be symptoms of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, then in the normal thickness of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) scraping (that's the name of this procedure) may be required. If the cause of bleeding, hyperplasia (increase of thickness) of the endometrium, endometrial polyps or cervical cancer, then scraping is to be done necessarily. It stops the bleeding and allow you to produce a histological study, to the exclusion of more serious pathology.
Discharge in diseases of the
Permanent, not changing during the cycle allocation, with the exception of the period of menstruation, occur when a woman takes hormonal birth control or suffer from infertility and does not have inflammatory processes in the vagina.
- Scarlet spotting a few days before the monthly salary of — cervical erosion, endocervicitis.
- Scarlet spotting in pregnancy — abruptio gestational sac or the placenta, the threat of interruption of pregnancy.
- Scarlet spotting after intercourse — microfractures in the vagina, which arise during sexual intercourse, cervical erosion, cervicitis.
- After a miscarriage you may be spotting different amounts and colors. Through 1 ned. Be sure to consult with a gynecologist and spend control ULTRASOUND.
- Slimy discharge of white color or transparent slimy discharge with white stripes on the end of the cycle, before menstruation — cervical erosion, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical channel). The release of mucus in one way or another connected with the uterus, the cervix is inserted tablets.
- White cheesy or similar to kefir discharge, foil, white paint, or is the board between large and small sex lips, clitoris, usually in combination with bread or milk smell — thrush (candidiasis).
- White or slightly greenish, grayish color, peeling of the films discharge, usually combined with fish aroma — dysbiosis of the vagina (gardnerellosis).
- Yellow or green, copious discharge — acute bacterial infection in the vagina, acute adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), acute inflammation of the fallopian tubes (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).
- Yellow or green thin discharge — bacterial infection in the vagina, cervical erosion, chronic adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), chronic inflammation of the fallopian tubes (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).
- Purulent discharge, green color, dense, combined with dirt, the additive from the voltage, after a bowel movement — the festering cervicitis.
- Discharge the big grapes in the period of menstruation — bend cervix, blood clotting disorders — tendency to thrombosis, hypovitaminosis b vitamins, the disease process in the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, uterine fibroids). Also similar seeps occur, if a woman has standing intrauterine spiral.

Discharge in pregnancy
During pregnancy discharge from the vagina, especially the fear of women. Indeed, in the course of pregnancy, should be especially considerate regarding the availability of secretions and to constantly monitor their character.
Discharge in early pregnancy. Discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy, as has been said at the beginning of the article may be more abundant than usual, it's fine if the discharge remain transparent, do not smell and are not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or pain in the genital area. The emergence of a bloody bleeding in early pregnancy may indicate a spontaneous abortion and an ectopic pregnancy. Purulent, or a whitish discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy may indicate the presence of infection.
White discharge during pregnancy more often — it are the symptoms of thrush.
Spotting, brown discharge during pregnancy — a very unfavorable symptom. It is a sign of the threat of miscarriage. Other diseases here anything extra. May increase bleeding in the days of the expected menstrual period, discharge, color can be yellowish. Limit your sexual activity in this period, to avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy.
Discharge in late pregnancy. In the middle of pregnancy on the late stage of the normal discharge from the vagina may become more viscous and fresh. Suddenly arise spotting may indicate the beginning of a miscarriage or premature birth, so immediately, when it is detected you ask for the help of a doctor. brown discharge during pregnancy can indicate a small bleeding from the vessels of the cervix and also require a checkup at the doctor.
Discharge after giving birth
In the course of a few weeks after birth, when the restoration of the uterine mucosa (endometrium), the young moms are stored discharge from the genital tract - the vagina. When it's done? Towards the end of pregnancy your uterus weighs about 1 units Immediately after birth of the child and the detachment of the placenta is shrinking dramatically, and in doing so you lose about 250-300 ml of blood. This blood loss is considered physiological, and therefore normal and is not representing a danger to life.
They appear regardless of being born naturally, or by caesarean section. Usually within 10-th day of the lochia, bloody, later to become lighter and end on the 5-6-th week. Until the discharge persists, doctors recommend that women wash after each visit to the toilet. For this it is advisable to use a small plastic bottle with water. Until the ongoing selection, you can wash it under the shower, and not in the bathroom. You can swim with the 5-6-th week after the inspection at the gynecologist. However, if your uterus is too slow or too fast decreases, the outflow of which can be disturbed. Sometimes occurs clogging of the throat of the grapes of the blood and the inflammation begins.
Immediately seek medical help:
- If you have every hour to completely soak the blood from the sanitary seal and it takes more than four hours;
- If you have a discharge, odor;
- If you have the temperature rises;
- If you frost;
- If you feel constant pain in the lower abdomen.
All of these symptoms can be associated with clogged cervical cancer grapes the blood and the deterioration of the outflow from it. For the treatment of doctors prescribe the means, the reduction of the uterus and removal of inflammation. If in the uterus develops an infection, prescribes antibiotics. While you don't necessarily have to throw breast-feed. Many antibiotics, which penetrate into the breast milk and is not harmful to the child. Consult with a gynecologist and a pediatrician. A pediatrician may prescribe a child the biological materials that will protect his intestines from the action of antibiotics.
Discharge from the vagina before and after sex
During sexual excitement the glands of the vestibule of the vagina in women begins to actively produce the so-called vaginal lubrication. Thus, the presence of liquid transparent selections right before sex or during sex it's fine.
The formation of the dense abundant discharge (maybe with unpleasant odor) right after sex (or on the next day) can be caused by cleaning of the vagina the sperm (this is possible if the sexual intercourse was a full-fledged, man has experienced an orgasm, and not used a condom). Usually such highlighting will not be over quickly. The emergence of a bloody discharge from the vagina during sexual intercourse, or immediately after it may indicate the presence of erosion of the cervix.
The emergence of white, yellow, greenish grey or festering discharge from the vagina several days or weeks after sex may indicate the development of infection. If the mucus gets a specific color, smell, need the help of a qualified professional, because this character is talking about the pathology of organs of small pelvis. The appearance of the odor may be a symptom of purulent process, it is noted a yellow-green discharge. This symptom is typical for gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.
These diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse or during blood transfusion. Over the 1-3 weeks after infection to appear and other symptoms: itching, burning sensation in the vagina, in the urethra, pain during sexual act. Contact spotting (after sexual intercourse) can be due to pathology of the cervix (found in the gynecological control) or pathology of the uterus — polyps, hyperplasia, fibroids, Etc. To determine the cause, that it is necessary to do an ULTRASOUND in the different periods of the cycle, perhaps, need tests of functional diagnostics.