And here is what is amazing — virtually nothing has changed since ancient times, and we're just a little fixed the Old Vedas, which propose to increase a Woman's Strength these available ways of...

Trust them!
The lessons that a woman's Strength
1. Massage. The vedas declare: the female body is incredibly lucky touch. It is necessary to porridge, to dissipate energy, otherwise it will put pressure on the woman from the inside, which causes the disease.
2. Communication with married friends. If you want to get married, then take some Energy from the family. This is a very valuable and noble energy. Many are turning away from the joint meeting with married friends — and completely in vain. Get this energy if they have the opportunity.
3. Nails. And men agrees with this — manicure transforms hands of a woman, they want to kiss. And also consider that the power, prosperity and beauty comes together with a red lacquer.
4. Communication with other women. Without a mutual exchange of energy, which is not increase my. The man needs peace of mind, to realize himself. A woman will better understand your feelings and concerns are just in contact with each similar.
5. A longer interview. Of course, the men carry him to waste time. But, after all, without this splash of energy, the accumulated words and thoughts to get straight at the man. And hurt both.
6. Walk. The wife just has to go out. the connection with nature and the world around you will only strengthen the position of guardian of the domestic hearth.
7. Meditation. Any relaxation practice will help a woman to restore his strength. The most useful meditation before going to bed and in nature.
8. Dance. The possibility of any such activity will strengthen the sexuality and feminine essence. Please note on the Arabic dance or latino.
9. Hair. Laying, change the style — it is not just elevate mood. Ancient India smacks of female hair a big role. They are a reflection of the thoughts and inner state.
10. Books. Reading about the fates of strangers — the better you realize your. Read the story about the lives of other people.
11. Planning. Any incompleteness, restraint and doubt — the pain of a woman. As paradoxical as it may sound, but a clear plan — it is a sure way to help you to survive your energy. Even in small things! Start with them, and then go to the months and years ahead.
12. Picnics. Make sure you bring with you friends! Here the energy will be recover on several levels.
13. The club of young mothers. The exchange of experience, plus the exchange of energy. Because Luna — protects the mother and her energy — only women's.
14. Romantic movies. To explain is not necessary. Call a girlfriend to visit!
15. Clothing. Not only a beautiful dress on the output, but also at home! Do not forget to home clothes.
16. Feeding of birds and animals. Very simply in such a way as to increase your energy. A stand for the birds. Buying a home Canaries, which, by the way, helps family happiness.
17. Photos. Feel free to admire them and celebrate the good pictures!
18. Sexy selectivity. Several partners to doom you on the looting. Keep loyalty. I mean, to charm a man — requires a lot of energy, and is not worth spending it prematurely on sex.
19. Compliments. How myself and other women. Honestly, a good word will make you stronger. If you are not able to say anything nice, try to solve this problem. The rejection of other women gives complications in my own life.
20. Tenderness. The weasel help you to know yourself and understand.
21. Attention and surprise, without a halter. Greeting cards, flowers, candy... a Woman should give. Giving — it's overflowing.
22. Dignity. According to the Vedas, — it is wonderful, what could be the created to the Creator. To realize its charm and wonderful features.
23. Music. Listen to music you need every day. Meditation, the classic, just the one that like. Make a habit to include music, for example, in the morning with a cup of herbal beverage. It will be totally fine, if the sound of the mantra.
24. Bath with rose petals, oils. This is not pampering but a necessity! That such a small thing to your body, You will be amazed at your own light and excellent mood.

25. Lessons vocals. Singing cleanses the chakras of the throat, and we don't want to scold, blame men. In Sparta in ancient times one of the compliments for women was the words "it's like a song".
26. A visit to a psychologist. But I'm sure women! A wise, experienced woman, it can help you look at the situation differently, to understand it. Wisdom passed down from older women. For this reason, it is helpful to communicate with their own grandparents, great-grandmother.
27. Yoga. The practice of yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is appropriate to address in a woman, moreover married. The man is a coach teaches only the loading of the body, energy to share, it can't, simply because he is a man.
28. Care of the plants. A small garden at home or in the vegetable garden — another way to arm yourself with the female energy. Flower, growth — all of this is a reflection of the female energy.
29. Help. Helping someone help or request for assistance. Learn to give up the principle of "I alone", because it is a typical male principle.
30. Please for help from a man. Any act of care makes us feminine. Perform an experiment and ask a stranger to help you get the bag. The mood will rise to 100%!
31. Splitting up with someone chores in the household. Boldly believe some of the things the near.
House — it's not just the apartment in which we live. With the house with the wife there is a strong energy bond. That's why it's irritating squeaky door or a common crane. For women it is not just the problems, it is through these "holes" is based on women's energy.
But just in such small things are sometimes important a man to bother. Why? The man thinks generously: "it will become worthless all the tiles in the bathroom, then we'll do a new one. That ten times the fat wall!". Sometimes it is easier to hire a person that will fix this minor flaws. Just don't forget to tell your husband that you realized that it is very busy, and not because he has hands grow from that place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
32. Festive lunch or dinner with candles, beautiful tablecloth and the delicious cuisine. It turns out that everything that we do even more for ourselves, even if we want to raise the tone of the beloved. To bring such magical moments in life. Please yourself and loved ones
33. Acting lesson. The woman lives in a world of emotions. Play a variety of roles on the stage it is possible to not only better understand themselves, but also get rid of the accumulated aggression or share the joy.
34. Makeup and care about each other. This is not the way to please a man, first and foremost, the delivery of the joy itself. So when he's home, it is important that the hairstyle, wear clothes and look good.
35. Skirts, dresses. Such clothing restores the connection with the energy of the genus in the female line. There is a rule — not to use pants for the first 7 (!) appointments in that case, if you really want to charm a man. Found that the constant wearing of trousers have a negative impact on women's bodies.
36. Take care of the children. Do not deny assistance to a married girlfriend, play with the baby. Any manifestation of care for women — it is the path to Power. The main thing — not to be seen as the child of a man.
37. Learning a new culture. Promotes greater insight and allows you to woman can't close themselves to the internal world. The female energy tends to expand, no need to close it artificially.
38. Physical burden. If you felt the decline of the forces, to start learning a new sport. It can be not only a new look, a physical condition, but just a morning jog. Very useful dance! A great way to recover.
39. The dismantling of the blockades. Old things, garbage and trash weaken the energy of women. If in my life hit a difficult period — it is time to dismantle the blockades.
40. Literature. Reading poetry helps to reveal romantic side of your "I". Feel free to post your poems. Beautiful syllables learn to speak beautifully and correctly think.
41. A visit to the museum or the exhibition. Everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
42. Diary. Daily jot down your thoughts, desires, goals. You can paste it in newspaper pictures or draw it yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to record. The accumulation of the energy of the emotions in each woman will then be forced to use it on the man, which itself is not very good. In addition, the record of thoughts, contributes to their analysis.
43. The definition of desire. Determine for yourself desire: what you want to in fact, and especially in relationships.
And forget the "I can". I can — it is the prerogative of Men. The man says: I can win, I can take her for a wife (or I can't). When a woman begins to think too much in the style of "I can", it happens man. Compare: "I want to look good. I want to like him. I want to get married" and "do I look good, I like it, I can get married."
44. Obedience. Discussion, competition and other aspects of active behavior to reduce the level of energy. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of the men are very exhausted woman.
45. The purity of the. Keep clean of your home, your body and your mind. in Time to get home. Not get negative memories from the past. The easiest way to increase the energy — to stand under a shower. Purity brings Strength.
46. Crafts and creativity. Knitting, embroidery, acrylic: everything you can do with your own hands, raise the level of your feminine energy.
47. The expression of love in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss favorite. To speak words of love to the world, people, things: the sun, spring breeze, rain and even their sadness, because he is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle ravaging the woman.
48. Proper nutrition. Use products that have undergone little manipulation and closer to nature. Remember, what force makes an apple, tore in the garden? And some hamburger. The feelings are completely different.

49. Stay alone with each other. Don't be alarmed those moments when you are left completely alone. Do not run took just because of loneliness. Use this time to engage in yourself. Nature laid down the monthly period when the woman must think not only about themselves (menstruation).
50. Learn how to work with the energy of the Moon. "Wait outside in the moonlight, charge the lunar rays of water, and add it then into the tub. Please contact for a Month for help in women's diseases.
51. Charity. It's in the pure expression of feminine energy. If you are in something to help a person, do it.
52. Smell. You always must come the aura of a pleasant taste. The woman is a flower. Purchase new spirits and the choice of flavouring increases a woman's energy.
53. Making of bouquets of flowers. Working with colors gives a new strength, updates and flowering.
54. Loving manifestations. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Women's energy blooms from a few gentle words, told you. Swearing, name-calling, do a woman's energy on nothing.
55. The source of the water. Holidays on the river, lake, sea — it's a great way to increase the level of its energy.
Water — this is the basis of the sexuality of the woman and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to the circumstances, or, conversely, turbulent.In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite young priestesses certainly taught to swim and interact with the water element.
56. The waiving of complex topics for reflection and negotiation. The woman it is helpful to be frivolous and think about meaningless things. The role of girls, kids invincible youth. In particular, this point is important for a business lady. Try not to write things on the job and not to let them into the house.