Sexual stimulation of women to a large extent depends on the exchange of substances in the organism and the activity of the glands of internal secretion, from the work of the brain, pleasant environment, as well as in the very large extent from how a man knows how to excite a woman.
Good excitement in women occurs only when a certain intimate environment, wherein the first and the main symptoms of excitement are a selection of vaginal lubrication and hydration of the genital tract. A visual sign that it's wet, it may be that the woman crossed legs. Well before the sex when they caress, and touch, you can of course try to touch, touching a woman between the legs – even through the jeans, there you can experience a pleasant humidity.
In women, as in men during the sexual excitement observed an increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, breathing, and dilated pupils.

Sexual arousal in women
In general, the sexual arousal of women takes place much more slowly – i.e. if you need to create the view of her ass, it needs time, in which it is appropriate to follow up with her again, and start to caress. But there are also quite sensitive and temperamental women, in which sexual arousal occurs faster than in men.
The next visual feature, thanks to which it is possible to find out that the girl, excited, might be getting wet her eyes, cheeks pink, licking his lips, like a girl that wants to have sex, can come to you, initiate touch, random collision, sitting in the open, not jammed position, asking the girls to talk about sex, joke about sex, alluding to the different sexual topics, also in the excited girls nipples swell and become firmer to the touch and more, his voice became more bass, sometimes dry quickly lips, she hardly speaks, she astray from the idea, the girl begins to be troubled and feels awkward.
Man this is all you need to take notice and realize that the girl now wants to have sex, and it is necessary to act, more determined to not miss the sex and need not be at the girls in the list of brakes. After all, for many girls it is difficult to tell a guy what he wants, especially if it is sex for them was not yet, so the woman suggests what she wants... and her body is also mentioned. You need to remember these hints. It is also necessary to know that women excite men, who dominate over them, i.e. in the seduction you should think clearly, present your ideas, not to ask, and command the girl is not troubled from anything else, read the site, Whether they are Alpha and better get to know about the domination.
Discharge in women occurs as a result of the weasels in the process of preparing for a penis of the law. In the absence of the impact on the erogenous zones of the vaginal walls are narrowed and are not lubricated, i.e. they are not ready to adopt the male member. But it happens that even when a woman is excited, then the intense bleeding happens, it happens either because of some inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, either as a result of ingestion of any drug, and also during the disorders of the endocrine system.
During sexual arousal in women appears rich blood flow to the genitals and swelling of the vagina. The appearance of the naked bodies of the men are not so strongly on women, as on the type of nude women, to men, but in women occurs sexual arousal looking at male sexual organs, it is also, to some extent, causing the excitement and the very idea of the sexual act, talking about it, i.e. women excited not as much as men. And longer than men, so the girls can keep communication with a man before sex, we will arrange an imaginary resistance, of the game – if you want to be better prepared for sex.
The Vagina becomes hot to the abundant blood flow and its walls taper for denser contact with the male member, and also have been. In the area of the cervical diameter of the vagina increases 2-3 times, thereby the packaging for the sperm.
It is very important that after sexual arousal and sexual intercourse with a woman feel sexual satisfaction, orgasm, to the outflow of blood from the genital organs occurred quickly and evenly, if it will happen, and the outflow will take up to a few hours, then it will experience feelings of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Ie. if a girl excited and sex was going on, she then become painful and uncomfortable. It can be used as another argument for persuasion to have sex, when she is too long it breaks down. Also it can be said that if a man excited him, too, must necessarily ejaculate, otherwise harmful to health.
Generally if a girl breaks down before sex, it is necessary to tell her more of the various arguments I would use myself as an internal justification, which usually need the girl, if sex is happening quickly – what they actually want many pikaper.
During sexual intercourse, due to the increase in sexual excitement the front part of the vagina even more narrows down, almost by 50 % and varies in a narrow tube. The biggest excitement in women is observed in the phase of orgasm, i.e. when in the area of the vagina is formed by the so-called cuffs, which contributes to the densely meetings of the vagina with the penis and shivered the vagina, and in so doing comes the biggest excitement of nerve endings, and both men, so with women.

Also on the stage of orgasm in women occur some changes in the mammary gland, i.e., swell, nipples become firmer, extended to 1 cm and 0.5 times magnified in volume. During orgasm, the woman feels the corrugations in the area of the genitals and how from them the heat throughout the body and it is the feeling of ecstasy is accompanied by a moan.
Orgasm in women lasts for quite a long time, in comparison with a man. But it happens that it only takes a few seconds and it both men or, on the contrary, within a few minutes, or even hours. Persistent makes possible during clitoral stimulation and during one sexual intercourse, a woman may experience several times.
Some researchers suggest that at the time of the highest degree of orgasm in women stands out uterine fibrous mucus, i.e. ejaculation. Also the vaginal glands are unable to secrete fluid at orgasm, which may subsequently drain out after the end of sexual intercourse.
After the end of the orgasm and sexual intercourse in general, there is a condition of persistent diarrhea pauses when although produce erotic petting a state of excitement does not come. Also after the end of sexual intercourse for women state of excitement gradually disappears.
Also for women, sex is important not only in itself, but as a tool of spiritual rapprochement with a man and build a serious relationship, and therefore after sex in women can follow phase when it will be to you a very well paid(especially if the sex was good)