White discharge during sex will appear when it is excited. They are called vaginal lubricant. Such mucus is often a colorless, clear, but sometimes can be an atypical color. As usual, the availability of these secretions is considered to be the norm, but sometimes may indicate the pathological changes in the body.
White discharge during sex

Almost all of the sex observed white discharge, increasing in range by how to increases sex drive. In the excitement of the women stands out the lubricant is a homogeneous consistency, is not with no odor.
When sexual intercourse occurs, there is an intensive secretion, caused by the influx of blood to the vaginal walls and the active stimulation of the sex glands. The volume of mucus is poor or too abundant.
The secret, emerging in intimacy, performs several functions. In particular, he makes sex is much more convenient, because it provides slip and ease of deployment. In addition, the mucus prevents the ingress into the body of the pathogen and creates a protective barrier for the penetration of infections and germs. With the help of these secretions sperms easier to move, and therefore increase the chances of conception.
Natural causes of bleeding after sexual intercourse
Discharge at initiation of habit considered as an absolutely normal phenomenon. White detachable when sex appear in the result, it increases the sex drive. A rich selection observed in the mixing of the sperm with the vaginal secret. When this sense of discomfort is not celebrated. Increase the amount of mucus points out that the sexual intercourse was completed ejaculation in the vagina.
Often the reason why they appear transparent mucus in large quantities, is hypersensitivity.
Discharge after sexual intercourse may be different, so we recommend that you read additional information on this topic.
Vaginal discharge pathological nature
In addition to the natural causes of mucus during intercourse, there are a number of pathological points to serious problems in the body. The reason for concern is the change in color and odor and secretion.
The unpleasant smell may indicate that the natural microflora of the vagina was broken, and against this background, the developed bacterial vaginosis. Thick curdled consistency is indicative of the presence of this pathology, such as candidiasis. Foam secretion is a symptom of trichomoniasis.
Cheerleaders must the emergence of a brownish, bloody bleeding during sexual act. They may indicate damage of the organs, of the urinary system and the development of serious diseases. In normal vaginal secret must be transparent, white or colorless and have no smell. The formation of the characteristic aroma is permissible only in the case that intimate closeness was completed ejaculation in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis
If the microflora of the vagina is disrupted, then comes the intense multiplication of the bacteria and consequently developing bacterial vaginosis. This is a very common disease in which the colour and consistency of mucus varies considerably. Maybe even the appearance of a bloody discharge during sex.
The characteristic symptoms of the pathology considered to be itching and burning in the genital area, but also gray or yellow discharge, which have an unpleasant odor foul fish. The volume of secretion in this disease, significantly increases during sex.
Bacterial vaginosis should be timely treatment. In the absence of therapy, there is great risk of disruption of the reproductive system infections and the development of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or appendages.

White discharge in women after intimate proximity did not cause concern. A warning sign is considered a change of their character and color. Similar symptoms often indicate a penetration into the body of the infection and development of disease, sexually transmitted infections.
One such disease is trichomoniasis. Often the disease is asymptomatic, but in some cases women appear foam thick discharge without odor and celebrated the feeling of discomfort – itching. Symptomatology is in many ways similar to vaginosis.
After an intimate near in secret, often observed admixture of blood, and there are feelings of pain in the abdominal area.
Yeast infection in the vagina
Yeast infections is one of the most common female diseases. The main its clinical manifestations are considered to be the burning and itching in the genital area, as well as accent, which create an unpleasant odor.
On the background of the development of the disease in women begin to severely itch genitals. In the result of combing the affected areas the rash appears and is marked by redness. The attendant symptomatology pathology is considered to be painful urination. Skin veil find themselves the victims, when in contact with urine arise pain and a strong burning sensation.
In addition to celebrating the emergence of curdled mucus with a characteristic sour smell. The amount of bleeding may increase in intimacy, and the smell while it becomes even more real.
Treatment and prevention of
The course of treatment directly depends on what type of pathology triggered the emergence of atypical secret. In the case of mechanical damage to the vagina or cervix to the damaged fate to save the seams.
In the development of sexually transmitted diseases are resorting to the use of antibiotic remedies that the gynecologist selects individually. While the administration of drugs prescribed at the same time the two sexual partners.
In violation of the microflora of the vagina and the development of bacterial vaginosis prescribes vaginal candles. In the case of finding a yeast infection is done by anti-fungal therapy, there are effective medications for simultaneous treatment of thrush in men and women.
If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, then resort to its burning. The detected polyps and other neoplasms without exception removed.
For the purpose of prevention of diseases, which could provoke the formation of pathologic mucus, it is necessary to stick to these tips:
- Washing away the intimate zone should be carried out twice a day and use when it is not regular soap, but special funds to promote the normalization of acid-base balance.
- In time to produce a replacement daily pads.
- Do not wear synthetic underwear, how beautiful it may seem.
- Avoid random sexual relations.
- Properly arrange the diet.
- Try to move more.
The selection of lubricants during intercourse is considered a normal phenomenon. The formation of mucus and at the same time points to the development of the pathology, but only in that case, if it has no smell and it is characterized by transparency. Change the shade of bleeding and the occurrence of accompanying symptoms is cause for immediate treatment to the doctor.