Procedure with erotic inclination has an effect on certain points of the body, deepens the feelings. Says about massage for women, for the excitement, about the right preparation for the procedure to achieve the desired result.

Get ready girls for erotic massage
Before you do exciting massage girl, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure with erotic slant. Erotic session must take place in a pleasant environment, and therefore of great importance played by the environment.
Erotic massage is usually carried out close to a person. Spouse or partner it is necessary to carefully prepare for the intimate procedure. Under comfortable conditions for the massage remember the following auxiliary points:
- in the room should be a comfortable temperature, slightly above 23 degrees;
- if you do not have a special massage table or trestle beds, then use the bed. You can put a soft carpet on the floor;
- need terry cloth towels;
- for the massage movements prepare a special oil or cream;
- for amplification of the intimate effect can be to ignite the sticks with the scent of incense, or use a pole lamp;
- use light, relaxing music;
- lighting for exciting massage girl should not be bright and annoying. Only dim light will help relieve stress, and organize their favorite woman on the erotic procedure;
- the hands of men should be warm, to avoid any unpleasant feelings to the touch. Nails should be cut shorter and rasp, not to hurt the sensitive woman's skin. Before the massage need to be put in the hands nourishing cream.
Of great importance during the exciting massage for women play an additional accessories, and some small tricks, which are able to deliver the girl a real pleasure.
The nuances to perform erotic massage
For the execution of the massage session, oil can be purchased in the final, or you can cook yourself. Homemade massage oil is prepared as follows:
- as the basic product suitable oil peaches, grapes or from the almond nuts;
- the fundamental basis of adding a couple of droplets of aromatic oil. You can use the hood of jasmine, lavender. A remarkable choice will be adding to the composition of the sandalwood or ylang-ylang.
If you failed to prepare, or to buy oil, then you can use the cream for the body.
Deliver a loved one a more pleasant minutes in the exciting massage, the man can take advantage of the following recommendations:
- in advance, prepare the ice cubes, friends feathers. These simple, the next products will help you to exciting massage more saturated;
- instead of the lighting apparatus can light the candles;
- if the girl agrees, then put her on the eyes tape. So the session will not only look erotic but also a little mysterious;
- before performing the erotic practices of, offer the woman a little lie down to pre-prepared tub with sea salt or fragrant foam.
Virtually every massage technique consists of certain movements, where it belongs, stroking and vibrating manipulation. Exciting female massage in this regard is no exception. Referred massage movements alternated in a certain order. The main rule in the session — no rush.
The sequence when the exciting massage for women is playing an important role. To each parcel of the body move slowly, so a certain movement. Processed massage the land opens up a towel, eliminate hypothermia and discomfort.
Excitatory spots on a woman's body
It must be remembered that the excitatory massage for women mean, the processing of the intimate zone. This is the main difference with the erotic massage of intimate.
Man massages wife not only back, but the front part of the body. All the massage manipulations should be carried out without the use of force, the Movements should be gentle, therefore it is best to use on the pads of the fingers.
On the body of a woman there are places, excitatory massages, and places, that it is better not to touch. Parts of the body, that it is better to not interfere during the erotic session:
- the armpits and the area below the knee. Gets the whole point of this procedure, and the girl will just ticklish;
- the heel and the area of the temples bring feelings of pain;
- the kidneys are not bring you joy;
- neck from the front and the area of the solar plexus. To accumulate in the premises of these places can cause discomfort and choking.
Points massage for the excitement include:
- the rear and side of the neck;
- auricle;
- brush the palm and fingers of the hands;
- the back, especially the area between the shoulder blades, in the area of the lower back;
- caviar;
- of the thigh;
- the soles of the feet and toes;
- the area of the abdomen;
- breasts.
Start with exciting body massage girl with warming movements. You need to realize that the easier they massage manipulation, the greater the pleasure he gets popular.
Loving a person is not difficult to determine where they are excitatory zone on the body of his beloved. If, during the warming touches of the girl begins to shake, confirmed by goose bumps, and irregularly breathe, it means that the right place for the excitement of the girls during massage found.
The technique of japanese massage
To give a woman as many more of the bright and unforgettable impressions from the massage techniques, it is necessary to use different touches to those sensitive places.
During the japanese exciting the massage it is necessary to use the following manipulation, and at the same time monitor the reaction of the women:
- to the touch to the body only the pads of the fingers;
- tickle susceptible parts of feathers or a soft brush;
- do light movements.
Massage is carried out the most sensitive places, such as the buttocks, on the back between the shoulder blades, the shoulders, should be as follows:
- when the girl undress, the man should be gentle movements to apply to her body massage oil;
- oil rubbed into the skin in a circular manipulations, starting from the shoulders, with smooth movements along the back and legs;
- all movements are performed without effort, but with slight pressure;
- on some of the most sensitive places it is possible to press the tips of the fingers;
- massaging the back and the buttocks, you can do the movements, reminiscent of the painted patterns on the surface of the canvas;
- the area of the abdomen, chest, limbs and thighs is massaged in two positions: lying on his back and on his stomach.
Important: the hand of a woman belongs to one of the most vulnerable zones on the body. So, to excite girl during massage can strokes the palm of his hand, and especially on the inner side.

The massage technique consists of the following step-wise action:
- attention to the neck and the female's ears. You can start to massage the area of the neck and stroking the areas around women's ears. The movements are performed by the pads of the fingers and light touches the palm. You can lightly kiss his favorite behind the ears and in the neck;
- the area of the back is processed in the area of the blades by using light manipulation. Understand that the girl is pleasant is not difficult;
- the buttock is massaged calm movements. The touch on the skin it should slightly, slowly advancing towards the feet. The most vulnerable part is considered to be the inner femoral surface;
- during the processing of the legs will have to spend a little bit of effort. Too gentle touches can cause laughter, either the girl will become ticklish. The heel massaging slowly and with increasing efforts;
- don't forget the face girlfriend, which also found the most sensitive places. It's the lips, ear ears, a gentle feminine chin. Try the pads of the fingers to hold around the contours of the face. Special attention is recommended to pay the lobes of the ears;
- massaging the chest, it is necessary to avoid weight manipulation. All movements should be gentle, in the region of the nipples the collection;
- the abdomen can be massage and tongue, slightly could move on the skin, nails.
As far as the intimate zone bikini, then in the erotic massage the sexual organs are not affected. Fine, light handling you can touch the pubic area of a zone of bikini. Such manipulation would be good, exciting effect
The positive effects of erotic massage will have an effect later on the quality of the sex. By examining all of the most active and prone to the excitation of the womens points on the body, thanks to the technique is an exciting massage for women, a man able to give a woman more excitement during lovemaking. Girl, learn to fully relax during the adult session, also experiences new sensations.
Exciting technique of massage for the back
Not everyone knows that the women's rotation is considered to be one of the most sensitive and excitable parts of the body. So, the basic moves in the exciting massage of the back are focused just on this stretch. To the most excitable and respond to a variety of site-specific touch back on a woman's body include:
- the lumbar region;
- the so-called cat instead. This is the area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
The lumbar part of the back is located in the vicinity of the genital organs, so that different sensitivities. The stretch between the shoulder blades immediately responds even to a light, stroking touch.
If you want to donate your loved one the right, a relaxing erotic procedure, it is necessary to know how to make exciting massage for girls. First and foremost is the need to adhere to certain rules:
- to the surface of the skin, it is necessary to touch gently, without effort;
- massage movements must constantly alternate. The same rule applies for the effort. More steadily, but still a fine handling turns with a light touch pieces of the fingers;
- advancing to the buttocks, is it possible to do a more intense tingling and coffee, because in these places the skin cover is somewhat denser.
The technique is an exciting massage for women in the back area consists of the following manipulations:
- after application to the back of the oil or cream for massage, done by normal handling. Kneading starts from the shoulders with a gradual transition to the back. The movements go in a circle;
- you can to do slack vibratory manipulation along the spine;
- the lumbar area is processed by the light movements, then transfer to the neck, and the man is once again returned to the bottom of the back.
During the erotic practices of a man can touch a woman with your body. So favorite girlfriend gets livelier feel of the session.
If you correctly do the massage girl for the thrill, then the partner can experience different sensations:
- a girl can start to cry;
- sleep. In such a case, the partner is not worth it to wake up;
- experience the full relaxing effect;
- joy can jump in sexual arousal;
- partner is completely cleansed of negative energy.
When a girl is excited from the massage, and comes in a small euphoric state, it means that the session is performed correctly.
With the help of erotic sessions can solve many problems in relations and to achieve the following effect:
- the girlfriend leaves negative emotions, and the relationship with the beloved man will become brighter and more saturated;
- in the woman wakes up for real, is sexual energy;
- a man can do exciting massage as a prelude to sex.
The advantage of the erotic procedure, when it pursues a man, or a close person, lies in the fact that during the sessions for couples no bans at all events. If a man own technique of erotic practices and knows how to do massage for the woman of excitement, then the partner will be able to seamlessly move on to the next lesson of love.
The behavior of men during erotic massage
To massage with erotic slant passed well, men need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- masseur, despite the fact that he is a close man, must realize that only the truth, caress and love to the partner will give her pleasure. Not worth doing focus on common massage movements. It's the lungs, the erotic touch of the most sensitive female areas;
- you can't do exciting massage, lingering for a long time on any one part of the body. All sessions must represent a complex event, during which you cannot remove your hands from the surface of the body. It is necessary to smoothly move from one sensitive part of the body to another;
- it is understood that in the process of seating a man can get excited. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately tune in to what the massage is performed for the pleasure of the girls, and not for himself. You need to concentrate just on driving and not wearing.
Massage carried out for the excitement of the favorite is considered to be the best exercises that help build relationships and move on to something new, as for mutual lovemaking.
If a person decided to make a gift favorite in the form of erotic practices, then it is worth it to clearly comply with the proposed recommendations. All of the young couples best knows how to give pleasure to each other. So during the massage it is worth it to hold progressive session startup. But otherwise, better manage your feelings and desires favorite partner. Just so it is possible to understand what actions bring more positive emotions, but on what the manipulation is better, to give up.
What is the goal of erotic massage, then to a certain extent focused on recovery. Wife after a few uses it becomes easier to be freed during lovemaking, disappear tension and anxiety in the emotional plan. But the main goal of the procedure, yet will thrill the girls, even when in a session dominated by elements of the common, traditional massage.
Almost each man gets to perform a thrilling massage from the first moment. The most important thing is to listen to the reaction of the favorites, and then ceases to clear, how to better implement this or that movement.