Physiologically, each person goes through these stages of the cycle of sexual response, which are built: sexual attraction, sexual arousal, and in consequence, the orgasm and the permit phase.
For regulating the function of the sexual sphere of man's nature were created by such authorities, as are the cortex of the brain, as well subcortical education, and some centers of the spinal cord. All of the sexual centers that regulate sexual function are closely related, and, of course, are in exact synergy with the exactly listen to, and constitute a single whole system.
Sexual attraction, excitement, and consequently an orgasm

Sexual attraction, or libido is directly dependent on the biologically proper activity of the glands of internal secretion, it the testes in men and the ovaries in women, the adrenal glands in representatives of both sexes, and also due to the exchange of substances. And of course, sexual desire, arousal and then orgasm can not be achieved without the participation of, and normal functioning of the brain.
In an adult healthy person is the degree of excitability of the sexual centers, as well as the strength of sexual desire is taken to determine the level of hormones.
There is a one hundred percent dependence of sexual desire from the anthropological differences, so for example, brunettes, and dark skin have a much stronger sexual attraction than the blondes. Another example in humans is the high sex drive may be stronger than at high. Women asthenic physique, to achieve orgasm will require a greater amount of foreplay and other efforts, than chubby. The people of the southern countries with warm climate sex drive, clearer and stronger. The Temperament of southerners actually more actively developed than the northerners.
Of course, sexual arousal of women and men are fundamentally different. More often sexual arousal lower in women than in men. Male desire, as usual, appears more in direct contact, in the process of sexual intercourse of excitement is growing very quickly, and an erection arises very quickly, and after allowing the sexual excitement and, of course, the erection disappears completely.
In addition to the hormones and different sex strokes, stimulate sexual function can and some of the key stimuli.
This kind of sexual stimuli purely individual for each individual person and is subject personally to its idea of sex, his sexual experience, and his sexy ideas.
Effect on sexual arousal is able to music, in the first place, by stimulating effect on the deeper structures of the brain, but also is able to awaken the memories of erotic association and other sexual experiences
Women are able to respond to the psycho-emotional impact of any pathogens slightly weaker, than men.
Often in women itself waiting sexual contact did not cause sexual arousal, and it is at the main masses of men while waiting for the upcoming sexual contact, will be expressed as sexual arousal.
What is important to remember that, from the nature of men's and women's sexy significantly different.
Among other things, sexual arousal may be due not only to the influence of certain hormones, and pathogens, but also under the action of purely mechanical cues, and that different kinds of stimulation and stimulants, sexual caresses, and then, as you touch the special areas which are particularly sensitive to the touch.
Famous american sexologists Masters Unit and Johnson In. in the implementation of sexual excitement secrete a certain stage of excitement, and this is the reason the plateau phase, the phase of the onset of orgasm and the phase (the so-called reverse development.

In the first stage, the stage of sexual arousal in normal men after a short time, usually within thirty seconds from the initiation of the sexual stimulation occurs the amplification of the tide of blood to the organs of the pelvis, and so becomes an obstacle to the outflow of blood from the-for some compression of the vein. Which leads to a sharp increase in penis size, increase happens usually at two to three times, the penis gets hardness and significantly prolongs for seven to eight centimeters. As soon as the erection came, the body of the man immediately begins to seek liberation from sexual tension, to a certain decrease of its voltage.
If when rubbing the nerve endings of the penis on the walls of the vagina during sexual intercourse, the density of the contact will be enough, then the erection will constantly rise, and the sexual excitement will continue to grow. In men becomes more frequent breath and fly out the pounding of the heart, perhaps, a blush face.
If you suddenly break contact, sexual arousal may significantly enough, and sometimes enough to slowly collapse, vienna to expand, it is the outflow of blood, will rise rapidly. Which in turn will lead to a reduction in penis size, and his fall. If the same contact restore, then it is an erection able to so quickly recover.
After all, for anybody not a secret that women need considerably longer time to prepare for the sexual contact, and the effect on her erogenous zones need a significantly longer period of time, that can more quickly lead to a sufficient level of sexual arousal, and for the opportunity to let the singing in the vagina.
Of course, some women are more lively, they have a very high secretory activity of the ovaries, such women can achieve relaxation faster than some men.
However, the average woman, with a medium temperament, is much more difficult to start sexual intercourse than men, and in the absence of a sufficient amount of foreplay, the sexual organs of a woman can be prepared into the penis, the act of the vaginal wall almost closed, enough close to each other, a lubricant is still lacking, elasticity, until it was developed. Sexual arousal in women can discover and strengthen only after the previous one, sometimes a bit longer-term impact on her erogenous zones.
Phase of sexual arousal of women is very similar to the stages of arousal a man. As well boosts the blood supply to the authorities of the small pelvis. Small labia will swell in size, and also, twice, three times, they, changing color from pale pink can setting practically bright red. The clitoris is also swell, is called the organ of female sexual feelings, it is able to increase to a half, sometimes twice, as and the penis, the clitoris becomes compact. So it becomes get soft sexy excited vagina, blood vessels of the vagina full of blood, becomes hot, his muscles begin to systematically shrink, the vagina several decrease, that in turn will contribute to the more densely the contact and friction with the male sexual member during the sexual act.
In addition to the above, during strong sexual excitement, sexual organs women gain sufficient moisture of the vagina issues so needed a lubricant that is able to facilitate sliding of the penis in the vagina.
And that's when the peaceful condition of the woman vaginal wall so tightly connected to each other, what remains is only a small crack. In a state of sexual arousal the vagina will lengthen and expand, the cervix will become the revel up and back. The diameter of the vagina is as well increases, the vagina appears some free space that can hold a seed liquid.
When it comes to the growth of excitement and the feeling reaches the desired height, and then is held in this state for a certain period of time, you know - it is a plateau-phase. This is the phase in which the vagina adapts to the form and size of the penis. Partners perfectly feel the body each other. Vagina women, or rather, its third part, may be reduced half, if you compare its dimensions with the dimensions in the previous phase, and has the appearance of a narrow tube. The muscles of the woman's vagina, provided sufficient sexual excitement densely cover the penis. Thus, there is a strong stimulation of the organs, or rather, their nerve endings for both partners.

This is the phase when a woman's breasts increases, going seal or erection of nipples, which are able to also lengthen by one inch, and then increase in diameter on the floor of a centimeter.
Sexologists Masters Unit and Johnson In. describe the orgasm in women in this way. An orgasm is approaching, when the outside third of the vagina begins rhythmic contractions. As rhythmic contractions affect the muscles of the uterus. The Vagina is able to reduce in intervals of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the amount and the intensity of her first cuts an orgasm will either be charming, be still. Usually during the implementation of from three to five pieces of orgasm is considered to be weak, if it is available six to eight the frequency of orgasm, is moderate in intensity, ranging from nine to twelve pieces, very strong orgasm. But these numbers are also very subjective, because they are a woman experiencing orgasm an extraordinary power and intensity on only three of the five reduction.
At the occurrence of orgasm in humans becomes more frequent the number of respiratory movements, becomes more frequent pulse. Reaching up to one hundred eighty beats per minute, blood pressure rises it is able to climb to twenty, and sometimes even more points. For example, the male orgasm can increase the normal pressure of one hundred twenty millimeters of mercury (mmhg), up to two hundred. At the moment of reaching orgasm can celebrate the flushing of the face and even breasts.
In particular, variable according to the intensity may be female orgasm. It can be similar as on android, with a short character of the flow, and can on the contrary be long-term and deep, bringing indescribable bliss.
The female orgasm can be more than persistent, it may take from twenty to sixty seconds, and sometimes longer. The protracted form of orgasm may have a wavy character of the flow, then it is amplified, then it fades away, and continues an unknown number of tens of seconds, sometimes it can be even an hour and a half.
Occurs a certain amount of women who are capable of having more oft orgasms, which may follow in succession at intervals of only one, two minutes. Such women are capable of experiencing on the three, four orgasms during one sexual intercourse.
There are also such cases, when a woman can feel comfortable only in that case when it experiences a few, continuously consecutive one after another of orgasms, from ten to twenty times. More often as many times repeated orgasms happened during the active stimulation of the clitoris.
If a person is confident in the ability of their partner, experience several of the multiple consecutive orgasms, he's just going to need to defend yourself to ejaculate, because it can lead to the fact that his partner could remain unsatisfied with only one orgasm.
Therefore, for women with a persistent type of current orgasm or with needs in multiple orgasm partner, in cases where it is not restrained, as the option should help the partner, in addition, stimulates the clitoris.
During orgasm in a woman's body, as something like this happens ejaculation. At this time, the couple opens the cervix, and from it erupted into something similar to the operation of the viscous mucus, the woman's seed, or the secrets of the uterine glands. The female seed as if gently stroked the more nerve endings, and it all makes spices feelings. After the mucus plug rising back into the uterus, and the cervix is firmly connected. After ejaculation, both men and women disappear the tense excitement of the genital organs, it is the outflow of blood, all over.
Even if a woman seems, that it feels like something extruded from his body, the opinion about the fact that female ejaculation exists, it is subjective and not proven.
Leading sexologists argue about this for years, however, these discussions have only theoretical importance. And here in practice, a woman receiving an orgasm absolutely no think about it. How these processes are called ejaculation, orgasm, or as something else. The point is that she's extremely like.
The women decided to allocate five stages of copulative cycle located consistently:
- The psychic phase covers the time period from the moment when a woman felt the desire to come into contact, until the moment when he decides to carry out his desires;
- Sensory phase (from lat., Sens, meaning, feeling, sensitivity). Is it rebuilding the quality of perception, an increase in the reactivity of the erogenous zones, and the like, there is a need for them specifically to stimulate;
- The secretory phase, characterized by the emergence of moisturizing and lubricating discharge, dryness;
- The orgasmic stage, in this stage, the woman gets the greatest pleasure sweet arousal or orgasm;
- Relictum phase, during this phase, begins the weakening of sexual arousal and outflow of blood to the genital organs.
Inter alia, during sexual contact, distinguishable missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the phase of the progressive movement or friction, and the phase of ejaculation, and of course orgasm.
Many women consider sexual contact as the top emotionally complex interpersonal relationship with a partner, which you used to consider sex not only as physical proximity, but also spiritually rapprochement with a loved one.