Discharge from the genital organs of men and women are the norm, but can sometimes talk about the disease. Frequently abnormal discharge is becoming a harbinger of sexually transmitted infections.

Discharge in men, when it is excited, is called the viscous liquid. Its secreting urethral glands of Cooper. Glands are another place for the education of a viscous liquid. They secrete a fluid mucous membranes of the character. Their number varies and depends on the characteristics of the organism or the duration of sexual abstinence. Part of these secretions contains sperm, which can fertilize the egg.
Bulbouretry glands secrete a secret, which moisturizes the urethra, maintains an alkaline environment and is favorable for the preservation of the life of the sperm, while they are held in the urethra.
The viscous liquid also excels at masturbation, enjoying the penetration, in an early stage of sexual intercourse.
Features of this secret is to neutralize the acidic environment in the urethra that is called urine. In the vagina is also acidic environment, thanks to the intrusion of the fluid environment changes to an alkaline, what contributes to the survival of the sperm. Other features – it is the role of lubrication in intimacy.
Smegma – this is a physiological discharge from the glands located on the head of the penis. Their number is small. They are removed in compliance with hygiene and does not bring discomfort. With a lack of hygiene or violation of the rules, smegma accumulates under the extreme body and can lead to inflammatory diseases such as balanoposthitis.
The sperm is excreted in the process of ejaculation, in its composition has sexual secrets and sperm.
Wet dreams – involuntary ejaculation, usually during sleep, which originated in the teenage period, or in men who are long can hold.
If a man finds that a number of these selections and their nature has changed, you should contact your doctor. Abnormal discharge in men may be red, gray, yellow, thick. Their formation is accompanied by a feeling of burning, pain and discomfort in the urethra.
Common indicators for the male selections
During the excitement of the discharge in men is its range of individual. If a man cares about his health, he knows his peace.
Physiologically, the amount of bleeding increases with long-term abstain from intimate proximity. In such a case, they become denser and more muddy colors. Standard discharge:

- watery and transparent;
- the smell of unexpressed;
- medium density.
Effect on the change in discharge, can food, stress, chronic diseases, bad habits.
The rules of intimate hygiene for men:
- Use soap with a neutral acidity.
- Wash the sexual organ 2 times a day.
- Rinse the head, pulling the foreskin.
- To avoid overheating of the testicles.
- Linen should be wide and made of natural materials.
Women's choice
Discharge in women during the excitement colloquially called a lubricant. Has the appearance of a clear liquid, has no odor. Is excreted liquid with special glands of the vagina. As well as in its composition contains special cells and micro-organisms, which are representatives of normal microflora of the vagina.
Vaginal secrets stands out and in a normal state, its quantity up to 5 ml per day. When excited by the number of increases the blood circulation to the genital glands. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the organism, some of the girls it more, others less.
Due to the presence of the lubricant provides a comfortable penetration of the penis into the vagina. During ovulation the composition of the vaginal secretion changes to to conception.
In addition, the composition of the vaginal discharge varies throughout the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle are transparent and watery. Their function at this point – it protects the mucosa against the intrusion of infection. The closer ovulation is, the more dense they are, by the smell resembling egg white. After ovulation the amount of bleeding is reduced, and this in the days before menstruation girls are experiencing drought.
Common indicators of vaginal secretion
The standard of female secretions:
- liquid transparent;
- during ovulation the jelly like;
- a small amount, growing closer to ovulation and decreases after it;
- faint smell without being obnoxious shade;
- it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the vagina or skin of the external genital organs;
- they are not accompanied by subjective feelings.
During intercourse the amount of mucus discharge from the vagina increases – a sign of excitement.
Ejaculation occurs in women at the time of the peak of orgasm. Does not contain in itself the germ cells, as male ejaculate. Stands out from the glandular tissue, which is located near the urethra. Unlike men, the emissions of this mystery can happen several times in one sexual intercourse. Amount significantly greater than in men. The amount of ejaculate proves that a woman gets the maximum pleasure.
The rules of hygiene for the normalization of vaginal secretion:

- Use a special soap for intimate hygiene. The composition should contain lactic acid to maintain the acid-alkaline environment in the vagina.
- When a large number of withdrawals is used for daily sanitary towels, which are changed regularly.
- Linens and clothes from natural materials.
- Wash is recommended twice a day.