Women know a lot of tricks, thanks to which they manage to awaken in man the sexual appetite. There is an opinion that the use of such a technique should only the fair sex, and in relation to them do not.

However, caring men who really want to bring pleasure to your partner, thinking about how to excite a woman. Maybe they do it to a certain extent and for myself, because when she's happy, then he is able to and men the joy.
What steps need to be done?
Men recognize that all members of the opposite sex are different, and this means that access to each of them is need to search for the individual. And yet there are universal tricks that will help excite your partner, well, or at least set the mood of the upcoming evening.
Romance. Organize it will have to the representative of the stronger sex, if that counts for a pleasant continuation of the evening.
Candles and a delicious dinner – the first step to creating the right atmosphere. Not all men cook, and it wasn't necessary. You can equip up to a light dinner, but even if and it is beyond the power, you can just order food from a cafe or restaurant.
We all know that there are quite a few products that are capable of, so to speak, to lift a person's mood, but also to the woman attractiveness is also possible to influence through food. Excite the representative of the beautiful gender will be easier, if it taste of banana, orange, corn, currants, grapes, honey, pistachio, mango, shrimp, vanilla, chocolate.
All together you can, of course, does not bring to the table, but also one or more of the products from this list will suffice. Rest will help, and a little alcohol, and both. Only here the stronger beverages in large quantities to eat is not worth it, to not relax too much.
By the way, alcohol is a forcing play hormones, so and excitement can come to both quickly:
- Flowers. Representatives of the stronger sex, they think that the presentation of the bouquet – it is banal, uninteresting and not at all outdated, but this is not so. Flowers to bring you not only mentally, but also the position of woman in physical proximity. They may also differently influence on the weak floor. For example, hollyhock, ylang-ylang, jasmine have a taste that will help you to more quickly adapt to the fairer sex in a romantic mood;
- Words. Who knows, that woman loves the ears. Gentle words, spoken in a whisper, have a magical effect. Of course, that should be about it, how beautiful, how beautiful, autumn curls at the shoulders and the tempting gleam of the eyes;
- Excite the partner correctly and quickly give you the right phrases in a duo with a touch, the strokes – gentle, sensual. Need to find her erogenous zones. Most of the representatives of the beautiful sex are pleasant caresses of the breast, neck, thighs, but each of them is different and men need to try to find some point that is an erogenous parts, exclusively for her. For some it may be your fingers, someone likes to cuddle, bending your elbows, and smoothing the roots of the hair;
- Massage. Tactile caress can provoke in a partner desire to get more touches and massage in this case in handy. Better to start from the back, so offer the girl to lie down on his stomach. To start massage movements with the neck, moving gently down my back along the spine. In massage it is important the sequence, so from the back it is necessary to go down with his hands to his hips, and then legs on the toes on the feet, legs. For many women the soles of the feet and toes – erogenous zones, but if the touch will be too easy, partner, you may experience a tickling, and these feelings can completely startle romance. He notices the slightest discomfort from her side, man, stop massaging this or that area. On this erotic massage in the home environment does not end there. Help the girl to turn around, lie down on your back. Do not touch face, neck, ears, head on chest, belly;
- Odors. Not worth it to ignore and by the way, during the massage, too. Vanilla, patchouli, musk, mint, jasmine, ylang-ylang – all these fragrances are capable to give a partner the right mood. During the massage, you can use oil with these flavors, nothing hurts and aroma candles to create an intimate atmosphere. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. If it's too many flavors, will be a fanatic, can cause headaches;
- Music. It perfectly stimulates sexual desire, and this is what it must be, to a large extent depends on the preferences of the girls. It is believed that the best of the rest of the excites, quiet music or one that is like the most partner. It is better, if it doesn't sound loud, but otherwise a romantic evening threatens to turn into a concert.

Women love and the eyes
Many think that this refers only to the representatives of the stronger sex, but ladies, too, are versed not only in the auditory organs.
What can get excited woman looking at a man?
- Casually unbuttoned shirt. Almost 2/3 of the representatives of the fair sex feel sexual attraction, if before them, the man casually unbuttoned shirt;
- Tight-fitting jeans or short shorts. Looking at the men in such clothes enjoying about half of the representatives of the beautiful sex;
- Sunglasses. It seems that in men in the sun glasses, the girl sees a mystery, what and makes one in every four of them experience a passion for them;
- The repair of the car. Man, fascinated by this activity, is able to provoke sexual desire in more than 30% for the fairer sex;
- Cooking. Almost half of the girls like it when a representative of the stronger sex is preparing in the kitchen.
In addition, the girl can experience the excitement, when saving, sitting, lying on the abdomen, sleeping or going with straightened shoulders.
Some ladies can get excited looking at men's underwear, even if just to see it in the store.
If a woman after 40
Representatives of the fair sex in this age of fast upset can, not always. Tax reduced hormonal activity, thanks to which they will cease to stand out in the right amount, of lubrication, sexual attraction to the opposite sex in general becomes not the way it was before.
Sometimes, to achieve rapid excitement partner, where for 40 years, it is necessary to use additional lubrication, but that's just the physical aspect.
No less important is the psychological attitude of the women. You can achieve the same ways, as that with women of other ages – romance, stroking, gentle words, massage, nice relaxing music, the smell.
Special attention should be paid to the words that he tells her. As a result of some physiological functions at this age, she may be experiencing psychological discomfort, worry about their appearance more than it had before. It is important to tell partner that is sexually attractive, and if there are any problems, then they can be overcome, including thanks to the men.
It is possible to excite a frigid wife?
If a girl indifferent to intimate relationships, in every way he avoids them, are experiencing resistance to the mere thought of sex or not being able to get an orgasm call her such.
In fact, such women are very few, and in many cases girls potential dictators, who refuse to have sex, they have other reasons for it – negative experiences from previous relationships, distrust of the partner, etc. Lack of orgasm can also be a manifestation of frigidity, and a sign that the man bad attempted to.
To excite the frigid woman, if it is really such, is really hard. To do this you need to know not only her erogenous zones, which, as with other women, may not be found in the chest area, genitals, hips, thighs, but also set his psychologically. To do this, you need to find out the cause of his problems.
In many cases these girls work the doctors. A specialist holding a conversation about the features of an intimate relationship, subtly using testing finds out, what are the girls erogenous zone.
If a woman really such, use of in domestic conditions excitatory medicines is unlikely to help, and if help, are way out of this situation it won't happen again.

Even when a partner in a stable relationship of friend with friend, sex yet it's always different. Both partners need to always look for new ways to "have" and satisfy each other, otherwise, over time relationships can seem both fresh and go into a blind alley.