The female body is designed so that in the moment of sexual arousal a natural lubricant covering the vagina. As a result of external factors or health problems the secret stands out is not enough. A woman experiencing serious difficulties at the time of sexual intercourse. In order to avoid unpleasant feelings recommend the use of excitatory lubrication, moisturizing the vagina and the additive flow of blood to the genital organs.

Why disappear a natural lubricant
There are many reasons, which leads to a decrease in libido of women in the intimate proximity, and consequently to reduce the production of natural lubrication.
While representatives of the fair sex are absolutely indifferent in bed, or failure of the partner in sex.
- Chronic diseases or inflammatory processes in the body weaken the immunity of women, denying them the vitality.
- The availability of micro-cracks of the vagina or genital infections, because of which appear irritation and itching. Girl feel pain during sex, so he's trying to avoid.
- Oppression the psyche of antidepressants or sedative medication reduces the excitability of the.
- Constant stress, problems in family or at work do not give the women to relax and get pleasure from sexual intercourse with a partner.
- Chronic fatigue makes the representatives of the beautiful sex of the apathetic.
- Hormonal changes in the body, associated with the age specifics of the women after 40 years, also inhibits the release of natural secrets.
- Smoking, abuse of alcohol or drugs medicines have a negative effect on the sexual life of the couple.
The above factors have a direct influence on the work of the female reproductive system.
Natural lubrication is not enough, women will have the joy of sex, which leads to a cooling of feelings between partners, depression, and even quarrels.
In this case, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist for passing the examination, the identification of the physiological causes of the problem and deal with them. Also may require the help of a psychologist to combat stress.
Auxiliary means for women
In order to more quickly establish a love life and maintain a good relationship with a partner, the fair sex is recommended to use special products to support sexual activity at any age.
Modern lubricants for women not only to eliminate such a problem, as is vaginal dryness, but also serve as additional agents.
The use of gels lubricant during sexual intercourse has the following positive effects:
- Help to avoid injury to the delicate mucous membranes of the vagina, its moisturizing and elastic.
- Penis better slips during sex, which leads to an increase in arousal.
- Improves blood supply to the female genital organs, due to which increase the chances of obtaining an orgasm.
- The contents of the other antiseptic components in the lubrication save you from minor inflammatory processes and irritation.
The obvious advantages of the use of irritant gels, lubricants, convincing many representatives of the beautiful gender in the necessity of their purchase. Women celebrate the significant transformation of sex life with a partner, improve mood and obtain the incredible sensations during intercourse.
Types of intimate lubricants
The entire range of gels for women can be divided into several categories depending on the incoming in the composition of the ingredients. It is necessary to understand what remedy will be most appropriate before you go to the pharmacy for purchase.
Lubricants silicone-based
Are the most popular. They have several major advantages:

- Long absorbed by the tissues of the vagina, which allows to prolong sexual intercourse without enhancing the feeling of friction.
- Economical to use, since it is not needed re-application.
- These products can be used also lovers of anal sex.
- Exciting effect occurs for several minutes after application. The tissue of the vagina warmed up and become more elastic.
Despite the greater number of positive points, note several drawbacks of the lubricant based on silicone:
- The high price that makes such means available to nearly all interested parties.
- Lubricant with a silicone hard washed off from the skin.
- Medicines leave marks on clothes and bed linen.
- Most of the gels with the following composition contraindicated for concurrent use with latex contraceptives. The molecules of silicone enter into reaction with the surface of the condom, disrupting its structure. Likely the difference of latex with the possibility of contracting sexual infections or pregnancy.
The lubricant for women water based
No less popular than silicone. Many representatives of the beautiful gender, they point to it as the contribution of these gels lubricants:
- Light texture, easy flushing.
- Possibility to use with condoms.
- A hypoallergenic composition.
However, the few suits that the device is relatively quickly consumed.
It must be used repeatedly, if sexual intercourse with a long-lasting, because the lubricant with a water basis is rapidly absorbed by the tissues of the vagina.
Oil lubrication
Effective, when it is necessary to further stimulation.
In their composition included accessories with a warming effect, which acts almost immediately after applying.
The blood vessels of the external genital organs of women are expanding, thanks to that intensify sensitivity during sexual intercourse.
Such funds are filmed available irritation, promote healing of small cracks of the vagina.
Another positive quality oil-based lubricants, is the stimulation of men with erection problems.
But in a vehicle with a similar composition, there are disadvantages: leaving the tracks and incompatibility with condoms.
In the selection of intimate lubricants a woman it is necessary to pre-consult with the gynecologist, who will advise you on the most suitable product with regard to the characteristics of the organism of the patient and its intensity of sexual life.
How to use the intimate gel for women
In addition to the questions, what kind of fat is best to choose, the fair sex are wondering how to properly apply products to achieve the desired effect.
- After purchasing the vehicle it is necessary to perform the test on a lack of allergic reactions. For this causes a small amount of grease on the inner side of the elbow bend. If after a few hours is not observed redness or itching, it means that the product is suitable for use according to the instructions. When the lubricant in the plan to use without a condom, the test for individual intolerance of components of the spend and partner.
- Before applying lubricant to the external genital organs, both partners need to take a shower, or to perform hygienic procedures. It is important to do to get rid of excess bacteria and other impurities.
- A thin layer of gel to water, oil or silicone-based covering the genitals a few minutes before sexual intercourse.
- If during sexual intercourse appeared dry and painful feelings, advises to grease the intimate venues again, with the use of larger amounts of the drug.
- After sexual intercourse both partners must wash off the remnants of lubricants, fresh water with shower gel or soap.

The majority of intimate lubricants have an allergic composition. If the preliminary tests have not shown intolerance, but after sex the woman feels the burning and itching, he would turn to the gynecologist.