About the ability of certain products to sexually stimulate the desire has long been known, and in particular they are often used in eastern cuisine. Increase the pleasure of intimate life does not necessarily use medical products. Enough to know what food they can, hardened the body, awaken the sexual hunger.

What products are considered a strong aphrodisiac, than due to their stimulating effect, and how to prepare "hot" meals from them for their second half.
About the ability of certain products to sexually stimulate the desire has long been known, and in particular they are often used in eastern cuisine. Increase the pleasure of intimate life does not necessarily use medical products. Enough to know what food they can, hardened the body, awaken the sexual hunger.
What products are considered a strong aphrodisiac, than due to their stimulating effect, and how to prepare "hot" meals from them for their second half.
How they work products-an aphrodisiac
The word aphrodisiac is derived from the name of the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and it means "love". Some experts believe that eating certain foods may cause sexual arousal, but the people actively applying your suggestions.
One of the explanations of the way in which products-an aphrodisiac, enhances libido — their positive effect on the body. Supplement the lack of certain substances has a beneficial effect on health, and physically healthy man sexual ability much higher. The consumption of specialty products also has other positive effects in addition to enhancing sexual desire:
- Rejuvenation of the body;
- Increase physical endurance;
- Normalize hormonal background;
- Energise and tone;
- Increase the sensitivity during intimate contact.
Also the action of aphrodisiacs can be attributed to the placebo effect. Confidence that the product actually increases the potency, is able to affect the quality of sexual intimacy.
Substance — aphrodisiac
Strong aphrodisiacs contain a set of substances, improve overall tone of the body and increasing libido:
- Zinc. It is involved in the formation of testosterone, which increases the potency;
- Vitamin Ie. is Essential for normal brain activity and improving sexual function;
- Lysine. Amino acid participation in the formation of hormones.
- Vitamin With. Stimulates blood circulation and tones the muscles, including in the intimate zone.
- Vitamin Aa is Necessary for the formation of the male hormone testosterone.
- Vitamins of group In. Eliminate fatigue, provide energy, are involved in the processes of blood and transmission of nerve impulses;
- Phytosterols. Need to produce female and male sex hormones.

Foods that contain these substances help to increase the sexual desire. Their disadvantage, on the contrary can cause reduced libido both in women and in men.
Important! To drink mineral-vitamin complex yielded the desired effect, it is necessary to correctly assemble your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and keep track of the condition of the body.
Universal aphrodisiac
Not all foods, feed additive sexual appetite as well works effectively on both genders. However, there is a list of the most effective aphrodisiacs, that are suitable for both women and for men:
- Oysters. They contain large amounts of zinc, whose deficiency leads to a reduction in libido and impotence. Favorably affect the production of progesterone, which increases arousal in women;
- Asparagus. It contains calcium, potassium, aspartic acid and vitamin Ie. Its use contributes to the normal function of the kidneys and urinary tract, it helps to neutralize ammonia, whose excess leads to rapid fatigue and reduce sexual desire, but also gives energy. About the benefits of asparagus for sexual function says, Kamasutra, where it is recommended to consume it in the form of a paste;
- Watermelon. Contains antioxidants, has a beneficial effect on all body functions, including sexual, and helps to improve blood circulation, strengthen erections;
- Ginseng. It is used to treat impotence, improves functioning of the endocrine system. Also has a widening effect on blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the genital organs;
- Avocado. Improves blood circulation, boosts immunity and prepares the body for fats and fiber, which are necessary for normal functioning of all its systems;
- Nuts. Rich in various minerals. It is believed that their scent excites women. Pine and walnuts from the ancient times used to increase sexual function, and walnut Ginko, has been used in China to improve blood flow and revitalize sluggish organs;
- Ginger. Contains essential oils, amino acids and a large number of micro and macro. It improves blood circulation, stimulates the potency and increases the sensitivity of the genital organs;
- Bananas. They contain minerals, which are involved in the formation of sex hormones, but also the enzyme bromelain, strengthen the sexual desire. It is considered to be an aphrodisiac, partially due to its phallic form;
- Pomegranate. Contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals, a positive effect on the health of the organism. Also improves blood circulation, thanks to which increases the sensitivity of the sexual organs and stimulates production of testosterone;
- Garlic. Improves blood circulation, than stimulates erection;
- Figs. Contains large amounts of antioxidants, which help to increase sex drive;
- Celery. Contains a hormone andosterone — product of metabolism of testosterone. It is produced in both men and increases libido in women;
- Vanilla. The smell of vanilla stimulates, leads muscle tone, stimulates blood circulation and causes a feeling of euphoria, immediately increases libido. Often used to restore erectile function in men of an older age;
- Chocolate. Bitter dark chocolate contains many useful substances, and also promotes the production of endorphins. Contributes to the enhancement of sexual desire and the emergence of a sense of greater satisfaction;
- Sharp spices. Stimulate the blood circulation, promote sexual emancipation, and the production of endorphins.

Aphrodisiac for women
Products that women's libido is very diverse:
- Green tea. Helps the work of the endocrine system and improves ability to cope with stress, prevents the decrease in libido at the mental level. It is rich in zinc.
- Shatavari. The plant, popular in eastern medicine. Normalizes female hormonal balance, stimulates the production of progesterone, preventing the development of gynecological diseases.
- Fatty fish. The meat of sardines, tuna, salmon, and also common fish oils contain the fatty acid omega-3, that strengthens an orgasm during intimate contact. In addition, eating these types of fish promotes the production of dopamine, which enhances blood circulation and increases libido.
- Carrots. Contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for normal sexual function and improves the condition of the whole organism.
- Basil. Has a stimulating aroma, normalizes the activity of the nervous and digestive system, which directly affects the condition of the libido.
- Fenugreek. Stimulates the production of estrogen and increases breast-feeding. It is believed that the use of fenugreek promotes the growth of breast, makes it more elastic.
- Red wine. In its chemical composition is resveratrol, which is necessary for the production of female sex hormones. Red wine — the only spirit drink that is able to increase sexual desire.
- Woodpeckers. Contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, and also a greater amount of fiber, support the production of sex hormones. Their consumption has a positive effect on the female organism in pregnancy and in the period of feeding. Woodpeckers — one of the ingredients in your food-aphrodisiacs in arab culture.
- Cocoa. Raw cocoa beans contain anandamine, stimulates the production of the hormone of joy. In their chemical composition is present plenty of minerals and antioxidants, and also arginine and methylxanthine, which increase the potency in women.
- The hot spices. Nutmeg, chili peppers, wasabi and cinnamon and stimulates the blood circulation in the genital area, helps to increase sexual pleasure.
Important!Increase sexual desire with the help of certain foods safely and only has a positive effect on women's health, unlike drugs, it gives an immediate effect, but the effect, which has a negative impact on the condition of the body.
Food aphrodisiac
Food, supporting an increase in sex drive, is easy to prepare at home. Most of the products that are included in such meals and beverages are available: - the people eat them without being aware of the exciting action. Here are a few of the recipes, immediately the excitation of sexual desire:
- Chicken salad with nuts. Mix: 3 boiled eggs, half a cup of chopped walnuts, a crown of green salad and 2 finely sliced fillets of chicken meat, add 200 g of mayonnaise and 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Put the food in a standing position, and then add the rye cracker before, as they serve on the table;
- Fruit salad with vanilla and nuts. Finely chop: 2 bananas, pineapple and 4 kiwi fruit, add 2 tablespoons of shredded nuts, a packet of vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Instead of sugar it is possible to use icing sugar, pre-commissioning him vanilla pod;
- Salad of apples and celery with red wine. Boil in salted water, 100 grams of celery, grind, mix with 200 g of cheese and apples, add the red-wine sauce and vegetable oil;
- Salad with seafood. Lightly fry in a pan the sliced mussels, shrimp and squid, mix with crushed parsley, celery and kiwi fruit, fill with olive oil;
- Grilled fish with nuts. Fillet of fatty fish hit, add salt and pepper, dip first in a well-beaten egg, and then flour mixture and mayonnaise, drag and drop in the crushed nuts and fry in olive oil. Serve this dish is to be cool;
- Steamed asparagus. Cut the pulp from the fresh asparagus, cut into pieces and put in a pre-heated pan. Stir fry on low heat for 5 minutes, add the onion, grated carrot, put the mixture for 10 minutes and put salt, pepper, basil and a few tablespoons of chicken broth. Simmer until tender another 15-20 minutes;
- Dessert and dates and almonds. Almonds peeled and soak for 10-15 minutes, grind in a blender along with the dates, pre-taking blister. The resulting mix roll into balls and, if desired roll in coconut chips;
- Tea from ginger. In 500 ml of cold water, add two teaspoons of dried ginger, cook 5 minutes. Drink cooled 2-3 times a day.

Eating these foods in combination with a healthy way of life and moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body and helps to increase libido both in women as in men. However, it is important to realize that sexual dysfunction is not always possible to overcome yourself, and lack of libido — this is the reason why they turn to a competent professional.